Page:Fighting blood (IA fightingblood00witw).pdf/92

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to go!" is how she puts it, and then she squeezes my hand and blows.

Well, I sit down on the dark stairway, and it ain't no darker than my chances looks with Judy Willcox! Still and all, why should she bother with me? I ain't got a nickel and I don't mean nothing. Rags Dempster is the only son of a millionaire. What a chump Judy'd be to even hesitate over a choice there, hey? But I can't get through my head what she means by saying she "really must be nice to him!" Then a thought hits me which made me—absolutely sick, no fooling. Suppose—suppose Judy and Rags is engaged!

I don't remember getting my hat or even going out, but the next thing I know I am walking along the street like I'm in a trance. I feel like the whole world has come to a end and I'm the only one left. I'm very much surprised when I look in the mirror of the weighing machine outside Ajariah Stubbs's drug store and see that I ain't as grey-headed as old Ajariah himself!

Stopping in Kale Yackley's cigar store, I got a New York paper and turned to the sporting page to see if they's anything there about my coming battle with Red Johns. A column headed "Frayne and Kelly Await Gong," catches my eye. It's all about how Kayo Kelly has wound up his training at Drew City and Jackie Frayne has knocked off work up in the Bronx, and both "leading contenders for the welterweight title" is on edge for the big fight. The semi-windup will be Battling Young vs. Kid Neil, middleweights. The rest of the card, says the paper, will be composed of