Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/305

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INDEX ABERCROMBY, General, is made prisoner in the Ceylon, 141 ; which is recaptured, 142 ; proceeds to Rodri(:;uez, 144 ; sails to attack the Isle of France, 145 ; disembarks his troops, 147 ; easy success of, 149 ; manceuvi'es to dislodge Decaen, 151 ; succeeds, 152 ; receives offers to treat, 153 ; captures the island, 154 ; reasons of, for letting free the French soldiers, 154, note Africaine, The, is captured by the French, 140 ; recaptured, 141 Ali Jab, rebels against his father, 243 ; commits suicide, 243 Alwar, Riija of, interview of, with de Boigne, 182 Amiens, treaty of, puts an end to hostilities in ths Indian seas, 94 Ajrmar, Monsieur d', arrives at Point de Galle with the advanced squadron of the fleet escorting de Bussy, 43 BAIRD, Major-Gencral David, is ordered to assume command of a force to capture Batavia, 253 ; receives fresh instructions diverting the force to Egypt, 255 ; reaches Jedda, 257 ; sails for Kosseir, 258 ; opens commu- nications with General Hutch- inson, 260 ; prepares for a for- ward movement, 261 ; careful preparations made by, 262-4 ; correspondence of, with Colonel Wellesley, 264, 265 ; moves up his entire force, 271 ; occupies the island of Rhoda on the Nile, 272 ; advances to Rosetta, 273 ; learns that peace is concluded, 274 ; marches across the desert and embarks at Suez, 275 Basalat Jung, disagreement of, with his brother the Nizam, 239, 240 Battalions of Siudia, organization of the, 193 ; personnel of the, 194 Belleconibe, Monsieur, surrenders Pondichery, 4 Benoit de Boigne, early history of, 159 ; enters the service of Russia, 160 ; is taken prisoner, released, and proceeds to Egypt, 161 ; enters the military service of the East India Company, 162 ; quits it and proceeds to Lakli- nao, 163 ; resolves to enter the service of a native prince, 164 ;