Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/310

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282 INDEX. to the islands for misconduct, 55 Lememe, Monsieur, early career of, 101 ; successful cruise of, in the Indian seas, 102-104 ; is taken prisoner, 104 ; is released and becomes a merchant, 104 ; again commands a ship and is taken prisoner, 105 ; dies, 106 ; relief of British merchants at his death, 106 Lesteneau, Monsieur, achievements of, 170-3 Louis XVI., blindness of the Ministers of, 5 MACLEOD, Lieutenant-Colonel, commands one of the attack- ing parties on Bourbon, 125 Madhaji Sindia attacks the Rana of Gohad, 164; besieges Gwaliar 165 ; enlists de Boigue, 168 ; is nominated Commander-in- Chief of the Moghol armies, 169 ; battles of, with the Patans and Rajputs, 170 ; probable reasons of, for accepting the resignation of de Boigne, 171 ; reasons of, for re-eiigagiug him, 172 ; arrangements made by, for the payment of de Boigne's troops, 174 ; " the dream of his life," 176; Tippu's war with the English, a blow to the hopes of, 177 , arrives at Puna, 178 , power of, consolidated in Hindostan, 182 ; death of, 183. Madras, is in great danger fi-om various causes, 59 Madoc, Sketch of the career of, 186, 187 Magicienne, The, destroyed by tiie French, 137 Malartic, Monsieur de, declines to give Surcouf a letter of marque, 84 ; confiscates prizes taken by Surcouf, 90 Mallerouse, career of, in command of a privateer, 108 Maurville, Monsieur de, is placed under arrest by Suffren, 39 Memoirs of the late war in India, the author of the, records his opinion of the action of Chevalier d'Orves, 9 and note Minto, Lord, reasons which im- pelled, gradually to adopt Lord Wellesley's policy, 116 ; furthc r steps of, in the same direction, 124-156 Mir Kasim, employs Sombre, 23(1 ; ill treatment of, by the English, 231 ; subsequent career, and ruin of, 231-234 VTAPOLEON, treatment accorded IN by, to Captain Hamelin, after the loss of a French ship by the latter, 142, note Navy, remarks on the state of the French, after the revolution, 79, 80, and note Nereide, The, is captured by the French, 137 Nizam Ali Khan, The Nizam, deter- mines to drive the Maratha's horn Puna, 195 ; marches against them, 196 ; fights the battle of Kardla, 197 ; dastardly conduct of, 198 ; concludes peace, 198; engagements of, regarding the enlistment of foreigners, 239 ; takes a French cori:)s into his service, 240 ; dis- content of, with the English, 242 ; action of, on his son's rebellion, 245 ; is forced by Marquess Wellesley to dismiss the French contingent, 244-246 OFFELIZE, Colonel d', succeeds Duchcmin in command of the French force, acting with Haidar, 57 ; falls back towards Kadalur,