Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/313

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INDEX. 285 VfiN English fleet off the harbour, 48 ; is urged to rest upon his laurels, 48 ; decides to attack, 49 ; reasons and hopes of, 50 ; attacks, 51 ; danger of, 51 ; ship of, is dismasted, 52 ; expends all his ammunition, 53 ; resolves to blow up his ship, 54 ; is saved by a change of wind, 54 ; sends to the islands his recalcitrant captains, 55 ; loses two of his vessels, 56 ; goes to winter at Achin, 56 ; sends cruisers into the Bay of Bengal, 61 ; returns to TriiicomaU, and is joined by the squadron escorting Bussy, 62; escorts Bussy to the coast and returns to refit, 66 ; deter- mines to attempt the relief of Kadalur, 67 ; outmanceuvres Sk Edward Hughes, 68; goes to i attack the English, 70 ; fights them and gains the victory, 70, 71 and note ; advice of, to, and sarcastic remarks of, on Bussy, 73 ; merits of, as a naval com- mander, 76, 77; is killed in a duel, 77 ; conjectures regardmg, 78 Surcouf, Robert, introduction ot, to reader, 82 ; birth, parentage, and previous career of, 84 ; sails to the Seychelles, and flees be- fore two English ships, 84, 85 ; captures the Penguin, the dirtier, and the Diana, 86; daring adventure of, with the Triton, 87, 88 ; differences of, with the Governor of the islands, 90 ; commands the Clarisse in the Indian seas, 90, 91 ; cruises and adventures of, 91, 92 ; changes to La Cov.fiance 92 ; encounters the Kent, 93 ; captures her, 94 ; marries, 94 ; extraordinary interview of, with the First Consul, !J5 ; plan of, for destroying British commerce, 95 ; takes command of the Eevenant,9Q; successful cruise of, 97-98 ; subsequent career of, and death, 99 TEIGNMOUTH, Lord, action of, regarding the Nizam, 242. Thomas, George, early career of, 202 205 ; mode of administration of, 205, 2ii6; refuses the con- ditions offered by Perron, 206 ; negotiates with him, 207 ; but breaks off, 208 ; is attacked by, and repulses Bourquin, 208,209 ; fails to follow up the blow, 209 ; is forced to evacuate Georgegarh, 210 ; renounces his government, retires and dies, 211 Tippii Sahib, beats Colonel Braith- waite, 9 ; foils Coote at Arni, 32 ; proceeds to the Western coast, 63 1 Tone, Major, account of, 217, note. TrincomaU, taken by the French, 46 TrincomaU, The, extraordmary contest of, with the Iphigmie, 108 Triton, The, extraordinary capture of, 87, 88 Tromelin, Captain de. is mistrusted by Suffren, 27; urges Suffren not to hght off TrincomaU, 48; probable reasons of, 48-49 ; is packed off to the Isle of France, 55 Tukaji Holkar, attacks Sindia, 178; tries to avoid an engagement with de Boigne. 179 ; fights a desperate battle, 180 ; is badly beaten, 181 FEN US, The, captures the Ceylon, 141 ; is captured by Captain Rowley, 142; the capture of, the turning point in the scale, 143; name of changed to La Nereide, 144, note