Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/9

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DEDICATION. Dear Mrs. Spencer, You may perhaps remember our conversa- tions on the subject of my historical writings when you were staying with me on the Nilghiri Hills nearly twenty months ago. You then expressed your surprise that — considering the careers, full of strange and varied incident, of the sailors and adventurers who followed Dupleix and Lally in the struggle against the English — I had not continued and completed my History of the French in India. I was unable at the moment to take up your idea ; but some months later I made it my own. That idea has now developed into a book, and the book is about to appear. Considering the circumstances of its origin, you will not, I feel assured, think me too presuming if I now ask you to accord to the young aspirant the privilege of introduction to the public under the auspices of your favour and of your protection. Believe me. Dear Mrs. Spencer, Very sincerely yours, G. B. MALLESON. 27, West Cromwell Road, 1st February, 1878. To Mrs. Almeric Spencer.