Page:Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas.djvu/90

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Coromandel coast to concert fresh measures with Tippú Sultan.

Suffren, sailing on the 15th January, arrived off Kadalúr early in February. He was surprised to find there neither tidings of Bussy, nor any news regarding two ships of his fleet, the Annibal and Bellona, which he had sent to cruise in the Bay of Bengal. He stayed there but a few days; then, having detached two of his ships, the St. Michel and the Coventry, towards Madras to intercept an English convoy, he sailed for Trincomali, and arrived there on the 23rd February.

Here he was joined not only by his missing ships, but, on the 10th March, by the squadron which was escorting Bussy, consisting of three line of battle ships, one frigate and thirty-two transports.

The troops under the command of the Marquis de Bussy, consisting of about 2300 men,[1] were escorted to the Coromandel coast and were landed safely at Porto Novo on the 19th March. I propose now to show the state in which the new commander found the affairs of the French and their ally.

The English having concluded peace with the Márhátás had, early in the year, made in communication with them so strong a demonstration on the western coast, that Tippú had been forced to start with the bulk of his army to defend his own dominions. But

  1. They consisted of detachments from the regiment de la Mark, from the regiment d'Aquitaine, from the Royal Roussillon, and of 300 artillery men.