Page:Final Report - The Columbia River Interstate Bridge.pdf/24

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bids ordered. Bids were received on April 2ti. 1915, and on April 30. 1915. contract was awarded to the Standard American Dredging Company.

The awarding of the contract for the paving of embankmenls was delayed partly from caution and partly by causes beyond the control of your Commission or your Engineers. Your Engineers deemed it advisable to wait until after the high water of 1916 in order to observe the effects of such high water on the ombankments. and so as not unnecessarily to subject permanent pavemont to possible settlements which might occur to

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Tm-: (;(vI.I:.\ml.\ nI\'l-:II INTI-'nsT.tTI-: I.nI|m;I-: an Iron frun| um um-uutrmm nan. \'numuu-r n . Ionian. Inward Porllmld. Ordlnnry mac or mum. the new embankment with the firs! high water. This high water occurred several weeks later than its expected time. was of more than the ordinary height and of unusual duration. Moreover, on account of questions relative to the granting of a franchise to the Purtlaml Railway Light and l'uW'er Company for the use of the bridge. it was impossible to decide upon the extent of the paving to be done on the embankmenls till late in the summer of 1916. On August 18, 1916, your Engineers submitted plans and specifications goveming the paving of all embankmcnts, provid-