Page:Final Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.pdf/323

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There is only one thing that's going to move the needle and force the legislators to do what their [sic] constitutionally obligated to do, and that is apply pressure . . . . We can do all the investigations we want later, but if the president plans on winning, it's the legislators that have to be moved, and this will do just that. We're just running out of time.[281]

Neither Giuliani nor Kerik told the Select Committee that they recalled officially implementing the plan, and Giuliani said that he thought Meadows even rejected it, but there is no doubt that President Trump's team took certain actions consistent with it.[282]

The document described its goal as a "[n]ationwide communications outreach campaign to educate the public on the fraud numbers, and inspire citizens to call upon legislators and Members of Congress to disregard the fraudulent vote count and certify the duly-elected President Trump." [283] The "FOCUS of CAMPAIGN" was "SWING STATE REPUBLICAN SENATORS" in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, "REPULBICAN [sic] MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE" and "REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OF THE SENATE."[284] Among the steps that it recommended were "RALLIES AND PROTESTS" in six key swing States, including protests at "Governor's Mansions," "Lt. Governor's home[s]," "Secretary of State's homes," and "weak Members' homes."[285]

Although the plan did not mention specific individuals by name, an apparently related document produced to the Select Committee by Giuliani did, naming State legislative leaders as "TARGETS" under a header of "KEY TARGET STATE POINTS," including Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann (incorrectly described as the State Senate's majority leader), Georgia House Speaker David Ralston, Georgia Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan, Georgia Senate President Pro Tempore Butch Miller as a possible back up, Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, Michigan Senate Majority leader Mike Shirkey, Pennsylvania House Speaker Brian Cutler, Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman, Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward, Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, and Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.[286]

Consistent with these proposals, Giuliani appeared as a guest on Steve Bannon's podcast on New Year's Eve and told him that "we have a weak element to our party . . . a cowardly element"[287] and, "[n]ow I think every Republican knows—maybe this is worse—this election was stolen. Now the question is: can they live up to their oath of office? . . . We gotta start working on the leadership."[288] Giuliani also described President Trump's objective in this effort: "For the president, the way forward is really it's in the