Page:Finnish Communist Party - An Open Letter to Lenin (1918).djvu/8

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it will break the chains of despair, and pour into the sorrowful soul of the defeated soldier a new and iron-strong belief in victory.

On the day when the commanding song, "This is our last struggle," shall sound throughout the world; when the international Red Army starts forth on its onward march, the world shall see the proletariat of Finland also storm out to the war-front and to victory.

In Germany, Austria, England, France, the United States and Japan the working class will wee repudiate. all the Labour Parties that in those countries, which speak to postpone the workers' revolution when the moment is ripe for it, and in spite of all our warnings, still give the false advice: "First peace, then revolution." The workers will repudiate those Labour Parties that directly or indirectly are supporting the attempts of the imperialist governments of their countries to strangle the Socialist Soviet Republic and to crush the workers' international revolution.

We send a brotherly handshake to all those Labour organisations; which, already in war time, are preparing for the revolution, to rescue the workers of their own countries, to help the Russian Soviet Republic and to build up the international socialist republic.

We believe and hope that the present world war will be the grave in which international capitalism will be buried.

Honour to you, Russian Communists, who so heroically have carried out the heaviest pioneer work tor the workers' international revolution! From you and the workers you represent great exertions and many heavy sacrifices will yet be demanded, but the victorious march of international Socialism which you have started will go on unchecked to its destination.

In this creative struggle; Comrade Lenin, you are needed. Your firm hand, and bright, far-seeing eye, and the strength of your mental power are important. You will patiently bear the pain and annoyance of the wounded soldier. And soon again you will take into your strong hands the rudder of the Socialist Soviet Republic and the workers' international revolutionary movement.

Tell the Russian comrades, in our name, that their Finnish comrades will go happily under fire; they desire to be in the attack when the forts of capitalism shall be taken and destroyed. The Finnish comrades will not be out of the fighting line when the workers of all countries win the world.

September 3rd, 1918.

(Reprinted from "The Workers' Dreadnought.")

Printed by The Cosmo Printing Co., 14, Little Howland Street, W.