Page:First Annual Report of the Woodbury Hill Reformatory.djvu/21

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Rise at 6. Make beds,—wash,—prayers,—and an hour's school.

Breakfast at 8.

Labour, 9 to 12.30.

Dinner at 1. Play till 2.

School, 2 to 3.

Labour, 3 to 5.30.

Supper at 6.

School, 6.30. to 8.

Play,—prayers,—bed at 9.


Forenoon, as in summer.

Labour, 2 to 4.30.

Supper, at 5.

School, 5.30. to 7.30.

Prayers,—bed at 8.


Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, cocoa, milk, or stewed rice, 1 pint, 8 oz. bread, and (with cocoa or rice) a little treacle.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, oatmeal porridge, 1 pint; bread 6oz.
Sunday and Thursday 4 oz. meat; 12 oz. potatoes, or other vegetables.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 1 pint of soup; 12 oz. potatoes, or an equivalent of ship-biscuit.
Tuesday 8 oz. bread and 2 oz. cheese.
Saturday 1 lb. suet pudding.
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8 oz. bread, and 2 oz. cheese.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday milk, rice, or porridge, 1 pint, with bread as at breakfasts.

Boys above 15 years old, who work well, are allowed 2 additional ounces of Bread, meat, cheese, potatoes, at each meal.

When in solitary confinement the allowance is 1lb. of bread per day, and water.