Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/100

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

鐵 thih; iron.

銅 tâng; copper.

鉛 în; lead.

錫 siah; pewter.

晶 ciaⁿ; crystal.

缶 hûi; earthen.

重 tăng; tŏng; weighty.

輕 khin; light; trivial.

磨 bûa; to rub; grind.

磨 bɵ̄; millstones.

滑 kût; smooth.

吹 * pûn; blow, as with the mouth.

1 pêh tâng: âng tâng: n̂g tâng. 1 White copper: red copper: brass.
2 pêh thih: cúi ciaⁿ. 2 Tin: crystal.
3 ŭ jîeh tăng? 3 How heavy is it?
4 ŏi jîeh kût? 4 How smooth is it?
5 mài tàⁿ khah tăng. 5 Do not speak too forcibly.
6 tăng sʉ̄: khin sʉ̄. 6 Important affair: trivial matter.
7 cɵ̀ sʉ̄ khin khin, mài khah tăng. 7 Do things quietly, do not be too emphatic.
8 thih sɵh. în pit. 8 Iron chain. Lead pencil.
9 húe châ: châ pé. 9 Matches: wood in bundles.
10 tîeh thóiⁿ tŏng i. 10 You must esteem it.
11 lʉ́ thóiⁿ tâng thih tăng, a în siah tăng? 11 Do you consider brass and iron, or lead and pewter the heavier?
12 tîeh khin khin pûn, m̄ hɵ́ pûn khah tăng. 12 You must blow it lightly, de not blow it too strongly.
13 cí ki teng hɵ́ pûn tīo. 13 Blow out this lamp.
14 cí kɵ̀ cúi ciaⁿ kio úa bûa kût kût. 14 Rub this piece of crystal very smooth for me.
15 tâng, thih, în, siah, hûi, cí ngŏ īeⁿ, tī īeⁿ ēng ío cōi? tàⁿ ūe khin khin. 15 Which is most used, copper, iron, lead, pewter or earthen? Speak gently.
16 cí kâi bɵ̄ tăng kùe cí kɵ̀ thih. 16 This millstone is heavier than this lump of iron.
17 cí kɵ̀ lō kût. tîeh khin khin kîaⁿ. 17 This road is slippery. We must walk softly.
18 cí kɵ̀ tâng khîeh khʉ̀ bûa kng kng, bûa kàu hɵ́ thóiⁿ kìⁿ nâng. cʉ̆ lâi húe. 18 Take this copper and rub it bright, so you can see your face in it. Matches.