Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/104

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

茶 tê; tea.

米 bí; uncooked rice.

菜 chài; vegetables.

舖 phò; shop.

餅 píaⁿ; biscuit.

沖 chong; infuse.

配 phùe; accompany.

煎 cien; to stew dry.

已 íⁿ; sign of the past.

經 keng; passed by or through.

兜 tau; retain; keep.

瓜 kue; the melon species.

1 cɵh chân nâng. bí phò. 1 A farmer. A rice shop.
2 bɵ̂ sĭm mih kang hu. 2 Not nicely put together.
3 pue jîp thiⁿ hûn. 3 Fly to the clouds.
4 i būe lâi cɵ̀ lʉ́ kâi khang khùe, i m̄ pat cɵ̀. 4 He never made one till he came to work for you.
5 i àiⁿ cien cɵ̀ lâ. 5 He is going to make it into lard.
6 put tit íⁿ: put tit put íⁿ. 6 Inevitable: cannot do otherwise.
7 cîah píaⁿ phùe tê. 7 Eat biscuit with tea.
8 cí cêk ūi cʉ nîe kíaⁿ phùe khʉt nâng a būe ŭ? tau lâu. 8 Is this young lady betrothed yet? Detain.
9 íⁿ keng cɵ̀ lío. 9 The betrothal is accomplished.
10 pêh chài thâu: âng chài thâu. 10 Turnips: beets.
11 àiⁿ bói mûeh phùe. n̂g thâu kíaⁿ. 11 Will buy the accompaniments of rice. Carrots.
12 lâ íⁿ keng cien hɵ́ lío. 12 The lard is already tried out.
13 tê bí: tê pûaⁿ: tê ceng. 13 Tea leaves: saucer: tea-cup.
14 khʉ̀ tê phò, bói tê bí, lâi chong tê; ún íⁿ keng bói ŭ píaⁿ hɵ́ phùe. 14 Go to the tea shop, buy some tea, and steep it; we have bought the tea biscuits already.
15 khʉ̀ píaⁿ phò thóiⁿ bōi ŭ kue cí a bɵ̂. 15 Go to the grocery and see whether they sell fruit or not.
16 ŭ hɵ́ bí, tîeh ŭ hɵ́ chài lâi phùe jú hɵ́. 16 Having good rice, it is better to have good vegetables with it.
17 úa íⁿ keng ʉ́ i khʉ́, mài tau lâu i. 17 I have already let him go, do not detain him.
18 úa tau lâu lʉ́ lâi cí chong tê cîah. 18 I will detain you to come here and make some tea.