Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/108

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

耳 hĭⁿ; ear; handle.

尾 búe; tail; end.

聘 phìaⁿ; phéng; betrothal.

古 kó; anciently.

娶 chūa; take a wife.

設 siet; to institute; if.

立 lîp; establish.

嫁 kè ; marry a husband.

小 síe; sío; small.

並 pĕng; together with.

兼 kiam; additionally.

及 kîp; concerning; till.

1 kang cîⁿ: gûeh kang. 1 Wages: work by the month.
2 lŭn kîp mih sʉ̄? 2 What does it relate to?
3 kîp sî. kîp chʉ́. 3 Seasonable. Concerning this.
4 cí kâi kio hʉ́ kâi put siang kîp. sío sʉ̄; síe khɵ́ sʉ̄. 4 This and that do not relate to each other. Trivial matter.
5 kîp kàu úa lâi kâi sî hāu. 5 Until the time when I come.
6 lʉ́ hɵ́ phèng i lâi. 6 You engage her to come.
7 kè chūa kâi sʉ̄ sĭ kó nâng siet lîp kâi. cêk mê. 7 Marrying and giving in marriage was established of old. The whole night.
8 lʉ́ kâi cáu kíaⁿ kè tī kɵ̀? 8 Where is your daughter married?
9 lʉ́ kâi tau kíaⁿ chūa tī kɵ̀? 9 From where did your son take his wife?
10 siet sái lʉ́ ŏi kiam i kâi sʉ̄, cĭu khʉt lʉ́ cɵ̀. 10 Supposing that you can take his business in addition, I will let you.
11 sío jîn nâng siet lîp tɵ sĭ m̄ hɵ́ sʉ̄. pĕng kiam. 11 What ignorant people establish is much of it bad. Furthermore.
12 pĕng bɵ̂ phìaⁿ n̂gn cɵ̀ lêng chūa bó? 12 Without betrothal money how can one take a wife?
13 lîp sim àiⁿ kè. 13 Made up her mind to marry.
14 chông thâu kàu búe. 14 From beginning to end.
15 cʉ̆ kó kîp kim pĕng bɵ̂ kɵh īeⁿ. sío jîn. 15 From ancient times till now there is no difference. Rude.
16 lʉ́ kâi hĭⁿ síe sim thiaⁿ. 16 Give careful hearing.
17 chông kó kàu kim. 17 From olden times till now.
18 chūa jîp kè chut. 18 Marry in and marry out.
19 kiam kîp pât nâng. 19 Refer it to so one else.
20 cɵ̀ sʉ̄ bɵ̂ thâu bɵ̂ búe. 20 There is neither head nor tail to it.
21 cɵ̀ sʉ̄ ŭ thâu ŭ búe. 21 Systematically done.
22 cío búe: gû búe. 22 Bird’s tail: ox tail.