Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/110

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

譬 phì; illustrate.

喻 jŭ; compare; enforce.

成 sêng; cîaⁿ; consummation.

理 lí; regulate; doctrine.

雙 sang; pair; couple.

真 cin; true.

假 ké; false.

死 sí; die; dead.

活 ûah; alive; moving.

世 sì; the world.

昨 ca; cá; recently.

昔 cá; formerly.

1 tɵ̆ kó cá ŭ. 1 In ancient times there were.
2 lʉ́ tàⁿ ìuⁿ siaⁿ; úa kâi hĭⁿ thiaⁿ m̄ kìⁿ. ké cuang. 2 You speak low, I do not hear you. Disguise.
3 úa chông kó kàu kim m̄ pat thiaⁿ kìⁿ. cêk sì. 3 From old time till now, I never heard this. A generation.
4 búe kíāⁿ. mn̂g hĭⁿ. 4 Youngest child. Door-knocker.
5 soiⁿ kîaⁿ phìaⁿ, ău chūa bó. 5 First effect the betrothal, afterward bring home the wife.
6 lâm chūa bó, nńg kè ang. 6 Men take wives, women marry husbands.
7 kó kim cêk īeⁿ. 7 In the past and the present it is the same.
8 ca mê ŭ nâng kûaⁿ sí. 8 Last night people froze to death.
9 cang thóiⁿ kìⁿ kâi lâi phì jŭ thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ kâi. 9 Make use of the visible to illustrate the invisible.
10 cí kâi mûeh sĭ seⁿ sêng ŭ, a sĭ nâng cɵ̀ kâi? 10 Is this thing natural or artificial?
11 sĭ cin a sĭ ké? 11 Is it true or false?
12 lʉ́ chut sì tɵ̆ tī kɵ̀? 12 Where were you born?
13 cêk sin khʉt i phah kàu àiⁿ sí. 13 He was beaten almost to death by them.
14 lʉ́ ciang lâi m̄ cai cɵ̀ nî sí. 14 You do not know what sort of death you will die.
15 sì sʉ̄ sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ kîaⁿ. 15 That is the way of the world.
16 lʉ́ hŵn m̄ cai sí ûah! 16 You are still unaware of the consequences!
17 phì jŭ tit hɵ́, cí kâi lí cĭu mêng pêh. 17 If the parable be complete, the doctrine will be made clear.
18 sêng sang: sêng tùi. 18 Complete pair: perfect couple.
19 sì cīeⁿ kâi sʉ̄ àiⁿ cɵ̀, tîeh cɵ̀ tit cîaⁿ. 19 In transacting wordly business, you must carry it toa consummation.
20 sí kâi: ûah kâi. 20 Immovable one: movable ones.