Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/118

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

媳婦 * sim-pŭ; son’s wife.

兒 jî; child.

郎 nn̂g; sister's or daughter’s husband.

壻 sài; daughter’s or younger sister’s husband.

甥 seng; sister’s children.

孫 sun; grandchildren.

思 sʉ; reflect, consider.

表 píe; exterior.

堂 thâng; household; venerable.

堂 tn̂g; hall; chapel; house.

親 chin; near relations.

族 côk; tribe; kindred.

1 lʉ́ hɵ́ sʉ sĭeⁿ. 1 Reflect upon it.
2 sin nn̂g; sin nîe. 2 Bridegroom; bride.
3 î píe cí mūe. 3 Female maternal cousins.
4 thâng hiaⁿ tĭ: cŭang hiaⁿ tĭ. 4 Cousins: second cousins.
5 î píe hiaⁿ tĭ. 5 Male maternal cousins.
6 chin hiaⁿ tĭ. côk hiaⁿ tĭ. 6 Own brothers. Male relatives.
7 ko píe. 7 Father's sister’s child.
8 i bɵ̂ kíaⁿ, bɵ̂ jî. 8 She is childless.
9 cáu sun; ca-bó sun. 9 Granddaughter or niece.
10 tau sun; ta-po sun. 10 Grandson or nephew.
11 chūa sim-pŭ. 11 Bring home a daughter-in-law.
12 i àiⁿ cɵ̀ chin. 12 They are going to marry.
13 gūa seng. chin chùi. 13 Sister’s child. Kiss,
14 i būe ŭ chut mn̂g. 14 She is not yet married.
15 jî sài. mūe sài. 15 Husband. Younger sister’s husband.
16 lʉ́ kâi gūa seng cêng chūa sim-pŭ a būe? 16 Has your nephew yet brought home a daughter-in-law?
17 nín chin, thâng, cŭang, jîeh cōi nâng? 17 How many are there of you, brothers, cousins, and second cousins?
18 nn̂g kŭ kâi kíaⁿ cĭu sĭ píe hiaⁿ tĭ; cáu kíaⁿ cĭu sĭ píe cí mūe. 18 The sons and daughters of the men connected with us by our female relatives are cousins.
19 tâng tn̂g kâi hiaⁿ tĭ cí mūe pí côk lăi kâi hiaⁿ tĭ cí mūe ío chin. 19 Brothers and sisters of the same household are more near than those of the same clan.
20 ŭ jîeh cōi kíaⁿ sun? 20 How many descendants?
21 cí kâi sĭ úa kâi kíaⁿ sài. 21 This is my daughter’s husband.
22 lău nâng sʉ tîeh sun hùe. 22 The old man considers the young ones.