Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/120

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

姪 tîet; brother’s child.

岳 ngâk; wife’s parents.

繼 kì; successive.

嫡 tek; the true wife.

庶 sù; many; nearly.

乳 jú; nĭ; ni; breast; milk.

妾 chiap; concubine.

養 íang; nourish; adopt

胞 pau; uterine.

胎 thɵ; the womb.

足 cok; full; the foot.

者 cía; particle arresting attention.

1 i sĭ sang seⁿ kâi. 1 They are twins.
2 cí kâi kíaⁿ sĭ i íang kâi. 2 This child is adopted by her.
3 i sĭ tek bɵ́ seⁿ kâi. 3 He is the true wife’s child.
4 ngâk bɵ́. kì bɵ́. 4 Wife’s mother. Step-mother.
5 sù bɵ́ kâi kíaⁿ. 5 Inferior wife’s child.
6 bɵ́ chin. jú bɵ́. 6 Own mother. Foster mother.
7 ni bɵ́. gû nĭ. 7 Wet nurse. Cow’s milk.
8 seⁿ cía, íang cía, pêⁿ pêⁿ ài sieh. 8 Those begotten, and those adopted are alike loved.
9 i kâi ngâk bɵ́ sĭ sù kâi, m̄ sĭ tek kâi. 9 His wife’s mother is the inferior, not the superior wife.
10 pĕ chiap ŭ kíaⁿ cía cĭu sĭ sù bɵ́. 10 A father’s concubine, having children, is a sù bɵ́.
11 khẃn thăi kì bɵ́ kāng chin bɵ́ cêk īeⁿ. 11 Treat a step-mother the same as an own mother.
12 lʉ́ kâi tîet, tîeh kò kâi ni bɵ́ lâi chī nĭ. 12 You must hire a wet nurse to nurse your nephew.
13 chiap, kìe cɵ̀ jī nang, saⁿ nâng, chiah kha. 13 Concubines are called second, or third, or large footed persons.
14 íang kíaⁿ thăi lău. 14 Rear a child for one’s old age.
15 thâu thɵ seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ. 15 The first begotten son.
16 pau hiaⁿ tĭ phì jŭ cɵ̀ chíu cok. 16 Own brothers are as the hand and the foot.
17 kàu cok. câp cok. 17 Enough. The full measure.
18 ŭ pēⁿ cía, tîeh cai ui sin hūn. cîah ni. 18 The sick must heal their bodies. To nurse.
19 tâng pau cí mūe. 19 Sisters, having the same mother.
20 i kì i a pĕ kâi sʉ̄. côiⁿ nâng; ău bó. 20 He succeeds to his father’s business. His first, and second wife.