Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/122

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

聖 sìaⁿ; holy, pure.

鹹 kîam; salted.

淡 cíaⁿ; fresh, not salt.

稚 cíⁿ; fresh, tender.

酥 so; crisp, flaky.

圓 îⁿ; round.

尖 ciam; pointed.

慘 chám; distressing.

悽 chi; suffering.

涼 lîang; cool. —

乘 * lā; take advantage of.

脂 * nî; juice, gum.

1 cai cok. soiⁿ cai nâng. 1 Contented. A seer.
2 gû nĭ îu. gû nĭ píaⁿ. 2 Butter. Cheese.
3 cí kâi a nôⁿ kêh ni a būe? chi chám. 3 Is this child weaned yet? Excruciating.
4 hâh sìaⁿ cʉ sɵ́ tàⁿ. 4 As the holy book says.
5 huang chue kùe hái mīn cĭu ŏi lîang. 5 The wind having blown over the sea is cool.
6 tâng kâi a pĕ, tâng kâi a bɵ́. 6 The same father and the same mother.
7 huang chue lâi kàu lîang. 7 The wind blows cool.
8 kong chin. kîam chài. 8 A mediator. Salt vegetable.
9 chīu nî. 9 The gum of a tree.
10 kîam kâi hɵ́ kùe cíaⁿ kâi. 10 The salt is better than the fresh.
11 cúi cíaⁿ, hɵ́ pûah lâi cîah; īa sĭ kîam cĭu m̄ àiⁿ. 11 If the water is fresh, draw some to drink; if salt I don’t want it.
12 úa thóiⁿ lʉ́ cíⁿ cíⁿ. 12 To me you look youthful.
13 cɵ̆ pàng mn̂g kha lā lîang. 13 Sat by the door enjoying the coolness.
14 cíⁿ kâi nî ío ke. 14 This is more juiey.
15 àn lîap kaⁿ hìeⁿ îⁿ. 15 As round as an orange.
16 thâu ciam, sin îⁿ. 16 Pointed head and round body.
17 khɵ́ sieh i chi chám. 17 Pity his distress.
18 i chi chám căi; lʉ́ tîeh thóiⁿ kù i. 18 He suffers greatly; you must take care of him.
19 lɵ̂h îam khah cíe; m̄ kàu kîam. 19 Too little salt was put in; it is not salt enough.
20 khʉ̀ bói kúi kɵ̀ îⁿ kâi so píaⁿ. îeh îⁿ. 20 Go and buy a few round crisp-cakes. Pills.
21 cí kâi a nîe kíaⁿ, kha ciam, chíu ìuⁿ. 21 This little lady has pointed feet and small hands.