Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/124

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

利 * lāi; sharp.

鈍 tun; dull, blunt.

肕 * jūn; tough.

脆 * chɵ̀; tender.

黏 lîam; liam; sticky.

直 tît; straight.

彎 wn; bending, curved.

曲 khek; crooked.

惡 ak; wicked, evil.

善 sĭen; righteous.

足 * lă; enough.

連 lîen; connect; even.

1 sim tîeh tît, m̄ hɵ́ wn khek. 1 The mind must be upright, not tortuous.
2 i thâu mɵ̂ khek khek. 2 Her hair is curly.
3 sìo bâk tît a būe? 3 Is the account balanced yet?
4 i lāi kùe tɵ. 4 It is sharper than a knife.
5 tɵ tun, hɵ́ khîeh khʉ̀ bûa lāi. 5 The knife is dull, take it and go and sharpen it.
6 nêk khah jūn, tɵ khah tun. 6 The meat is too tough, the knife too dull.
7 cí cêk kɵ̀ gû nêk chɵ̀ chɵ̀, hɵ́ cîah. 7 This piece of beef is very tender and good to eat.
8 cí tîo lō wn wn khek khek. 8 This road is very crooked.
9 sĭen kâi nâng sim tît, ak kâi nâng sim wn. 9 The righteous have an upright mind, the wicked a perverted one.
10 cêk lîen chit wn, poih khek, huang kàu hʉ́ kɵ̀. 10 A series of seven bends and eight crooks in arriving there.
11 cîⁿ n̂gn ēng kàu lʉ́ lă. 11 Use as much money as you need.
12 chíu lîam lîam, hɵ́ khʉ̀ sói. 12 Your hands are sticky, wash them.
13 wn lâi wn khʉ̀. 13 To curve back and forth.
14 ak nâng sĭeⁿ ak sʉ̄. 14 The wicked devise wickedness.
15 sĭen cía ciang lâi ŏi cĭeⁿ thien tn̂g. lă lío. 15 The righteous will by-and-bye go to heaven. That is enough.
16 i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi lāi căi. 16 He spoke very sharply.
17 pĕng m̄ sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 17 It is not at all so.
18 lîen jît thàu huang. 18 For successive days the wind has blown.
19 lîen kîp pât nâng. 19 It involves other people.
20 lʉ́ kíaⁿ jît chíaⁿ nâng kheh cɵ̀ kúi ciah sîah, sîah cêk ciah cɵ̀ jîeh cōi cîⁿ? liam tɵ̆ hʉ́ búe. 20 How many guests did you invite to day, and how much did each repast cost you? Paste it on at the end.