Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/128

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

酸 sng; sour.

甜 tîam; sweet.

硬 ngĕ; hard.

軟 nńg; soft.

辛 * hiam; pungent.

美 múi; ngía; handsome.

厚 kău; thick; strong.

薄 pɵ̂h; thin; weak.

siap; harsh; astringent.

偷 thau; pilfer; stealthily.

賊 chât; rob; thief.

涉 * ĕ; wade; ford.

1 mûeh kĭaⁿ íⁿ keng bói pĭn pĭn lío. 1 The things have already been bought, and are ready.
2 cha tît hn̆g. 2 Vastly different.
3 pńg tī bói bɵ̂, tîeh khʉ̀ pât kɵ̀ bói. 3 If there are none to be bought here, go elsewhere and buy.
4 ŏi jîeh ngĕ? ŭ jîeh kău? seⁿ ngĕ. 4 How hard is it? How thick is it? Surely.
5 sng kaⁿ kíaⁿ. khʉt nâng phah. 5 Limes. Beaten by some one.
6 bɵ̂ lʉ́ jîp cí lăi. 6 Won't let you come in here.
7 sɵ́ kùe khʉ̀ kâi nî kìe cɵ̀ cá nî. 7 Years that are past are called former years.
8 sng tîam căi, chŵn bŏi siap. 8 An acidulated sweet, not in the least acrid.
9 úa thóiⁿ kìⁿ kâi chât ĕ kùe khoi thau khîeh mûeh. 9 I saw a thief wade across the river to steal things.
10 i kâi sèⁿ ngĕ căi. 10 He is of obdurate disposition.
11 lʉ́ àiⁿ bói kău kâi, a pɵ̂h kâi? 11 Do you wish to buy a thick one or a thin one?
12 tê chong kău kău, mài pɵ̂h. 12 Make the tea very strong.
13 cí īeⁿ tê khah siap. 13 This sort of tea is too bitter.
14 mài lɵ̂h khah hiam. 14 Do not make it too peppery.
15 sĭ. sĭ mē? sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 15 It is so. Is it so? It is thus.
16 cí kâi seⁿ lâi ngía kùe hʉ́ kâi. tê pɵ̂h. 16 This is more beautiful than that. The tea is weak.
17 i sĭ tŏiⁿ it ngía. 17 It is very handsome.
18 m̄ hɵ́ cɵ̀ chât. mɵ́. 18 Do not be a thief. Do not.
19 i lâi thau thóiⁿ. 19 He came to slyly see.
20 cí kâi sĭ i kâi múi ì. 20 This is his fine idea.