Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/136

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

都 to; altogether; general; probably; fine.

搔 * pê; scratch.

匍 * pê; creep.

癢 * cĭeⁿ; to itch.

拋 * pha; fling out.

梳 siu; comb; brush.

惟 jûi; but; precisely; consist in; and.

爬 pê; peh; clamber; climb.’

虱 sat ; lice.

蚊 bun; gnats.

虻 máng; mosquito.

網 măng; net; sew coarsely.

1 to sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 1 It is probably so.
2 cĭeⁿ kɵ̀ m̄ pê, khʉ̀ pê thìaⁿ kɵ̀. 2 Not scratching where it itches but where it aches.
3 chit cɵ̆, poih pê, káu hwt gê. 3 Sit up at seven months, creep at eight, teeth at nine.
4 kâi a nôⁿ kíaⁿ tɵ̆ pê. 4 A child creeps.
5 i peh cĭeⁿ chù téng. 5 He climbs up on the roof.
6 lʉ́ kâi mīn khʉt máng kă kàu cêk tíam cêk tíam âng âng. 6 Your face has been bitten by mosquitoes till it is all little red dots.
7 bun kă nâng pí máng kă, jú cĭeⁿ, jú thìaⁿ. 7 The bites of gnats itch and ache more than mosquito bites.
8 cá cē khí lâi, siu thâu. 8 Rise earlier and comb your hair.
9 châ siu; în siu; kak siu. 9 Wooden comb; lead comb; horn comb.
10 pha cêk ē măng, pha tîeh câp búe hʉ̂. 10 At one cast of the net caught ten fish.
11 thâu sat, sin sat. 11 Head lice, body lice.
12 tʉ, gû, ngio, káu, lóng cóng ŏi seⁿ sat. 12 Swine, oxen, cats and dogs, all have lice.
13 nín a tia khîeh măng khʉ̀ khoi kîⁿ pha hʉ̂. 13 Your father took the net to the river side to fish.
14 i pê kùe suaⁿ. 14 He clambered over the mountain.
15 jûi sĭ lʉ́ tàⁿ, úa huang siang sìn. 15 Since you say so, I thereupon believe it.
16 m̄ hɵ́ siang sìn i. 16 You should not trust him.
17 úa siang sìn lʉ́ cĭu sĭ. 17 I believe you then.
18 úa to m̆, jûi sĭ lʉ́ àiⁿ. 18 I did not altogether wish to, but you wanted to.