Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/150

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

富 pù; rich; affluent.

峰 hong; a high peak.

貧 khio; phin; poor; penniless.

窮 khîong; poor; exhausted.

嚴 ngîam; stern; strict.

密 * cât; thick; close together.

密 mît; bât; mî; close; tight.

朽 * àu; rotten; decayed.

爛 nūa; rotten; corrupt.

糜 mî; rotten; pulpy.

皺 jìo; wrinkled.

嶇 khu; uneven.

1 phîn kâi cōi, pù kâi cíe. 1 The poor are many, the rich few.
2 cí kâi nâng kŵn sĭ hɵ́. 2 Here is yet another good man.
3 cí câng hue hŵn sĭ ngía. 3 Here is one more handsome flower.
4 cɵ̀ bât bât, mài làn khang. 4 Make it tight, do not leave holes.
5 lăi pâng. bât mn̂g. 5 Private room. Panneled door.
6 chùi hâp mi mi. 6 Shut the mouth tight.
7 hâp mi. mi bât. 7 Close tight. Close and tight.
8 lʉ́ hɵ́ ngîam ngîam kà i. 8 Teach him strictly.
9 mài khah ngîam. 9 Do not be too severe.
10 cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ mît mît khʉ̀ cɵ̀. 10 Go and do this privately.
11 i thâu mɵ̂ cât cât. 11 His hair is very thick.
12 cí câng chīu hwt khí lăi hîeh cât cât. 12 This tree has come up with thick foliage.
13 i ʉ̆ mît sìn kìa úa cai. i nâng khio căi. 13 He sent a private letter to inform me. They are very poor.
14 cí câng chīu àu khʉ̀ lío. 14 This tree has rotted.
15 i cêk sin kâi nêk mî nūa. 15 All his flesh is rotten
16 i mīn phûe jìo. 16 His face is winkled.
17 lʉ́ mài jìo bâi. 17 Do not frown.
18 suaⁿ lō khi khu. 18 The path is rough.
19 lō kût kût khi khu khi khu. 19 The road is slippery and rough.
20 mî nūa kâi pēⁿ m̄ hɵ́ thèng cîah mûeh. 20 With this putrid disease, you must not eat carelessly.
21 cí lîap kúe cí khah sêk; àiⁿ mî lío. khio khîong. 21 This fruit is too ripe; it is about to rot. Poor.
22 cí kâi nâng nūa căi. 22 This man is very corrupt.
23 i sĭ phîn khîong nâng. 23 He is a poor man.
24 cêk nî bɵ̂ sie bɵ̂ sit. 24 For a year there has been no tidings from him.