Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/154

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

帽 bɵ̄; a hat.

閾 * tŏiⁿ; threshold.

梯 thui; stairs; ladder.

扣 khà; knock; beat.

掃 sàu; sweep; brush.

扭 * cŭn; wring; grasp.

破 phùa; broken; ragged.

貶 * nih; wink the eye.

傷 sieⁿ; siang; wound; hurt.

實 sît; real; true.

失 * ka; let drop down.

落 * lâuh; fall; drop.

1 nêk hu nūa. nih mâk. 1 Putrid meat. To wink.
2 i ka kī cʉ̆ sìaⁿ cʉ̆ hîen. 2 He is holy and wise of himself!
3 hɵ́ kio gâu nâng tâng sí, mài kio ngɵ̂ nâng tâng seⁿ. 3 Better to die with the wise than to live with the foolish.
4 cí kâi nâng phīⁿ chúa chùi chúa. phah phùa. 4 This man’s nose and mouth are crooked. To break.
5 khî ĭ. khî cʉ. 5 Astonishing. Rare books.
6 taⁿ ŭ kúi tíam ceng? 6 What o’clock is it now?
7 lɵ̂h ke tíam kíaⁿ. 7 Put in a little more.
8 tihⁿ kong nih mâk. 8 It lightens.
9 cí kɵ̀ pò lâu pàng kɵ̀ sói pûaⁿ úaⁿ tīaⁿ tīaⁿ. 9 Keep this cloth and wash only the dishes with it.
10 mài i ka lâuh. 10 Do not let it drop.
11 cŭn kàu i ta ta. 11 Wring it dry.
12 sói mn̂g tŏiⁿ kha. 12 Wash the threshold.
13 sàu lâu thui. 13 Sweep the stairs.
14 kâi tê ceng kah kâi tê pûaⁿ khîeh lâi. 14 Bring a tea-cup and saucer.
15 i tɵ̆ lâu thui kha. 15 He is at the foot of the stairs.
16 lʉ́ ŭ tàⁿ sît ūe a bɵ̂? 16 Did you speak the truth?
17 tîeh, àiⁿ tàⁿ sît. 17 Certainly, you speak truly.
18 cʉ́ sòi, mài khà phùa. 18 Be careful, do not break it.
19 lʉ́ jîp lâi, tîeh khà mn̂g. 19 You must knock when you enter.
20 i téng bɵ̄ ka lâuh. 20 His hat dropped off.
21 mn̂g tŏiⁿ m̄ hɵ́ khĭa. 21 Do not stand in the door.
22 cí kâi pue khʉt lʉ́ khà phùa. 22 You have broken this cup.
23 phah kàu tăng sieⁿ. 23 Beaten till badly hurt.
24 tàⁿ ūe mài thèng sieⁿ nâng. 24 Do not so speak as to wound people.