Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/166

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

形 hêng; form; shape.

規 kui; custom; rule.

矩 kʉ́; usage; regulation.

包 pau; wrap; bundle.

衣 i; garments; dress.

服 hôk; clothes.

符 hû; agree, as an impression with a seal.

雜 câp; heterogenous.

奴 nô; servant; slave.

婢 pĭ; slave.

體 thói; body; substance.

個 * tiang; classifier.

1 àiⁿ khʉ̀ pun tī tîang? 1 To whom will you give it?
2 cí kâi sĭ tī tîang kâi? 2 Whose is this?
3 m̄ cai sĭ tī tîang. 3 Do not know who it is.
4 i lâi tiang sî, úa tɵ̆ cîah. 4 When he came, I was eating.
5 cá tiang sî ŭ. 5 Aforetime there was.
6 hʉ́ tiang sî ŭ. 6 At that time there was.
7 i tī tiang sî àiⁿ kàu? 7 When will he arrive?
8 ŭ tiang sî i lâi? 8 He sometimes comes.
9 lʉ́ tiang sî àiⁿ khʉ̀? 9 When are you going?
10 tīaⁿ kui. nńg pĭ. 10 Settle a rate. Female slave.
11 kak hâng kak hâng kâi kui. 11 Each guild has its own rules.
12 kui cìaⁿ. pau khí lâi. 12 Admonitions. Bundle it up.
13 kui kʉ́ sĭ nâng nâng tîeh ŭ. 13 All must practise propriety.
14 i bɵ̂ kui bɵ̂ kʉ́. 14 He is lawless.
15 lʉ́ úa siang kui cìaⁿ. 15 We admonish each other.
16 pau kín. cêk pau. 16 Wrap up tight. A package.
17 m̄ siang hû. 17 The parts do not match.
18 i kâi sim câp. 18 His mind is distracted.
19 câp sek. sin thói. 19 Variegated. The body.
20 cɵ̀ câp kang. 20 Do all sorts of work.
21 ēng i cɵ̀ phah câp. 21 Take him as man of all work.
22 hêng mău seⁿ lâi mih īeⁿ? 22 What is his appearance?
23 cí pau i hôk jîeh cōi kĭaⁿ? hû hâh. 23 How many garments in this bundle? Matching.
24 ke cú sĭ ke cú kâi i hôk, nô pĭ sĭ nô pĭ kâi i hôk; ŭ hun pîet. 24 The master’s dress and the servant’s dress are different.
25 i sin thói nńg jîak. 25 He is weak in body.