Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/174

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

赴 hù; arrive; repair to.

順 sŭn; yield to; obey.

及 * hù; to effect; avail.

蓆 chîeh; matting.

預 ʉ̆; ready; provided.

備 pĭ; prepare; provide.

或 hôk; uncertain; either.

堆 tun; pile; pile up.

嚇 heh; scare; intimidate.

喝 toah; shout at; reprimand.

癬 síen; ringworm.

鏽 sang; rust.

1 úa àiⁿ khʉ̀ hù sîah. 1 I am going to repair to supper.
2 hù m̄ tîeh cûn. 2 Did not catch the boat.
3 hù hŭe. hù sʉ̄. 3 Attend a meeting. Attend to business.
4 cûn àiⁿ khui, kîaⁿ khùe cē cìaⁿ hù. 4 The boat is about to start, walk faster so as to get it.
5 jît khah ùaⁿ; kîaⁿ kàu hʉ́ kɵ̀ m̄ hù. 5 It is too late in the day; to go there is impraticable.
6 sʉ̄ lí kàu hɵ́ cĭu m̄ hù. 6 To settle the matter is unavailing.
7 chîeh pau. cháu chîeh. 7 A matting bag. Straw mat.
8 soiⁿ ʉ̆ pĭ hɵ́. 8 Get ready beforehand.
9 úa m̄ cêng ʉ̆ cí kâi sʉ̄. 9 I am not yet prepared for this.
10 ŭ pĭ phah bɵ̂ pĭ. 10 Forewarned is forearmed.
11 íⁿ keng ʉ̆ pĭ pīn lío. 11 Already quite prepared.
12 íⁿ keng pĭ cok lío. 12 Already fully provided.
13 hôk cía i àiⁿ lâi. 13 Perhaps he will come.
14 thô tun pàng hue hn̂g. 14 Pile the earth in the garden.
15 tun cɵ̀ cêk tun. 15 Pile it up in a pile.
16 i sĭ heh lʉ́ kâi. 16 He is browbeating you.
17 mài heh toah i. 17 Do not threaten him.
18 mùa tī kɵ̀ thèng heh nâng. pĭ pīn a būe? 18 Frightening people everywhere. Are they made ready yet?
19 lʉ́ heh i, toah i. 19 You bully and scold her.
20 lʉ́ toah i cɵ̀ mé cē. 20 You shout out at him to hurry.
21 seⁿ síen. seⁿ sang. 21 Have tetter. Get rusty.
22 heh sí nâng. 22 Scare people to death.
23 cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ kio úa lí thɵ́ thiap thɵ́ thiap. 23 Regulate this business throughly for me.
24 i pó thiap úa. 24 He made it up to me.