Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/176

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

糕 kɵ; cakes; pastry.

粿 kúe; loaf; cake.

粥 mûe; congee.

飯湯 * ám; porridge.

湯 thng; soup.

酒 cíu; wine.

參 siam; ginseng.

卵 nn̆g; eggs,

糖 thn̂g; sugar.

粉 hún; flour.

㭳 kàⁿ; yeast.

麵 mī; wheaten.

1 jîak i lâi lʉ́ kāng i tàⁿ. 1 If he comes, you tell him.
2 cu jû ŭ n̂gn cĭu hɵ́ bói. 2 If there is money then buy.
3 jîak īa sĭ i m̄ hàuⁿ cĭu hiah. 3 If be don’t want to, then stop.
4 siet jîa hɵ́ cɵ̀ cĭu cɵ̀. 4 If it is well to do it then do it.
5 siet sái i tàⁿ cí kâi ūe— 5 Suppose that he says this—.
6 hôk cía i thiaⁿ lʉ́ tàⁿ. 6 Perchance he may listen to you.
7 īa sĭ m̄ tɵ̆, ʉ́ tńg lâi. 7 If he is not there, come back.
8 thiⁿ sî hɵ́ cĭu àiⁿ cɵ̀. koi nn̆g kɵ. 8 (If) the weather is good I will work. Sponge-cakes.
9 ŭ hɵ́ huang cĭu àiⁿ khʉ̀. 9 (If) the wind is fair I will go.
10 ŭ kang cĭu ŭ n̂gn. 10 If work, then pay.
11 ŭ pn̄g cĭu àiⁿ cîah. 11 If there is any rice I will eat.
12 ŭ cûn cĭu àiⁿ tah cûn; bɵ̂ cûn cĭu àiⁿ kîaⁿ lō. kàⁿ bɵ́. 12 If there is a boat I will go by boat; if there is no boat then I will walk. Yeast.
13 ŭ nâng jîp lâi lʉ́ cĭu lâi hàm. 13 If any one comes in, then come and call me.
14 i lâi khîeh cĭu pun i khîeh. thng sî. 14 If he comes to get it, then let him have it. Spoon.
15 ŭ cĭu hɵ́; bɵ̂, cĭu bɵ̂ siang kan. 15 If there is, then well; if not, then no matter.
16 ŭ nâng khʉ̀, úa àiⁿ cɵ̀-pû khʉ̀. 16 If anybody goes, then I want to go along.
17 cá jît soiⁿ ʉ̆ pĭ, kim jît ŏi tit tîeh hù cûn. pn̄g ám. mī hún. 17 If you had yesterday made ready, to-day you might have embarked. Rice water. Flour.
18 bɵ̂ kìu sì cú ui i, tī tîang ŏi tit ui i? 18. If the Saviour had not healed him, who could have healed him?