Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/180

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

筒 tâng; tube; cylinder; a gill.

糴 tîah; buy (rice.)

噴 pûn; spurt; snort.

拈 liam; pinch up.

扛 kng; carry on a pole between two.

擕 * kŭaⁿ; carry at the side by a handle.

背 * pì; carry in a cloth on the back.

負 * iă; carry on the back.

抱 phɵ̆; clasp in the arms.

夾 kôih; carry under the arm.

戴 tì; carry on the head.

從 * tāng; during; from.

1 kieⁿ n̂g. tek sún. 1 Tumeric. Bamboo sprouts.
2 kúi kâi kîe pàng ue tói. 2 Put the egg-plants in the pot.
3 cí kâi suaⁿ seⁿ lâi kio sún cêk īeⁿ. phɵ̆ a nôⁿ. 3 This mountain is shaped like a cone. Carry the baby.
4 cí lîap hue cí hwt gê lío. 4 This flower-seed has sprouted.
5 lɵ̂h hŏ thiⁿ, hue bâk cĭu kōi chut gê. 5 In rainy weather plants readily germinate.
6 cheⁿ kieⁿ ŏi sio cîah. 6 Fresh ginger aids digestion.
7 chíu kʉn. thâu kʉn. 7 Handkerchief. Head-cloth.
8 sua ue. tê kẁn. hue kang. 8 An eared pot. Tea-pot. Vase.
9 hue kng. tōiⁿ kng. húe hu sek. 9 Flower-pot. Blue dye pot. Gray.
10 cúi kng. tê au. 10 Water-jar. Covered tea-cup.
11 au úaⁿ pûaⁿ tîh. húe hu. 11 The dishes. Ashes.
12 i kâi thâu tì kim bɵ̄. 12 He wore a crown.
13 tāng chut sì kàu taⁿ. 13 From his birth till now.
14 tāng cá, úa pat sói. 14 I washed it a little while ago.
15 cʉ̆ tāng úa lâi cĭu bŏi. 15 From the time I came it has not.
16 tāng soiⁿ ŭ kâi. 16 There used to be some.
17 tāng cá jît ă pĭ pīn lío. 17 It has been ready since yesterday.
18 i pì a nôⁿ khʉ̀ tîah bí. 18 She went, carrying the baby, to buy rice.
19 bɵ̄, sĭ tì tɵ̆ thâu tèng kâi mûeh. 19 A hat is worn on the head.
20 kāng cîeh pêⁿ tōiⁿ. 20 As solid as a stone.
21 pûn cêk chùi cúi. 21 Spurt out a mouthful of water.
22 pûn tâng. bí tâng. 22 Chinese flute. Rice measure.
23 cí īeⁿ píaⁿ cêk tâng jîeh cōi cîⁿ? kŭaⁿ cúi. 23 How much are these cakes per roll? Carry water.
24 chíu liam cêk lúi hue lâi phīⁿ phang. khʉt i kôih khʉ̀. 24 Picked a flower to smell. Carried off under his arm.