Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/182

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

胡 hû; hô; Tartar.

玉 gêk; jade; precious stone.

典 tíen; canon; ritual.

辣 lûah; biting; hot.

醋 chò; vinegar. .

椒 cie; pepper.

葱 chang; onions.

芋 ō; taro.

芥 kài; mustard.

豆 tāu; beans; pulse.

葛 kuah; creepers.

蒜 sǹg; garlic.

1 hû cie. pêh hû cie. 1 Black pepper. White pepper.
2 hû jîn. âng cie. 2 Tartars. Cayenne pepper.
3 hiam cie. hue cie. 3 Chillies. Red peppers.
4 kài lûah. chùi chàu. 4 Ground mustard. Bad breath.
5 i kâi nâng ŭ hiam lûat. 5 He is a fiery fellow.
6 lûah kieⁿ. tāu hū 6 Pungent ginger. Bean-curd.
7 lʉ́ būe pat ciâh tîeh lûah kieⁿ. hŭ jîn. 7 You do not know what it is to suffer. Women.
8 hwn kuah. jī tíen. 8 Sweet potatoes. Dictionary.
9 cúi ō. lêk tāu. n̂g tāu. 9 Water taro. Green peas. Dry peas.
10 o mâk tāu tùi pêh mâk tāu. 10 Disagreement between equals.
11 bói kúi lîap chang thâu. 11 Buy a few onions.
12 cîah sǹg thâu ciâh lío chùi ŏi chàu. 12 If you eat garlic your breath wilk be bad.
13 àng cêk lîap kài cí hìeⁿ tōa. 13 As large as a mustard seed.
14 cí kâi sĭ gêk a sĭ cîeh? 14 Is this jade or stone?
15 bɵ̂ sĭm mih hun pîet. 15 Not much distinction.
16 taⁿ ài chau sìo. 16 Will now transfer the account.
17 cang cí kâi jī tíen kâi jī kāi úa chau kùe lâi. 17 Copy the characters in this dictionary for me.
18 cí chɵh chò sng căi. 18 This vinegar is very sour.
19 cí īeⁿ hʉ̂ tîeh ŭ kieⁿ chò, cìaⁿ hɵ́ cîah. 19 This sort of fish needs ginger vinegar to make it edible.
20 kó tíen tíen sît. 20 Ancient records. Document.
21 tíen kù. tíen tŏng 21 Ordinances. Consider valuable.
22 kài chài tī tāu. 22 Mustard greens. Pea-nuts.
23 ō thâu. khah hiam lûah. 23 Yams. Too peppery.
24 sǹg thâu, sǹg hieh. 24 Garlic roots and tops.