Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/188

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

器 khì; vessel; utensil.

具 kŭ; implement.

裂 lîh; lì; split; tear; rip.

剝 pak; peh; peal; flay.

攪 ká; beat; stir.

攪 * lă; stir around.

抹 buah; rub on; smear.

割 kuah; cut; divide.

攙 cham; mingle; mix.

勻 * câu; even; equal.

腫 céng; swell; enlarge.

核 hût; kernel; stone.

1 khì kŭ. kim n̂gn khì. 1 Utensils, Gold and silver vessels.
2 m̄ sêng khì kâi nâng. 2 A man unfit for the place.
3 cí kâi nâng sĭm sĭ síe khì. 3 This man is very small minded.
4 gêk khì. hŏ kŭ. 4 Jade vessel. Umbrella and clogs.
5 cêk hù tê kŭ. 5 A set of dishes for making tea.
6 thiaⁿ kìⁿ cí kâi ūe, i cĭu lîh tīo i kâi saⁿ. 6 When he heard this, he at once rent his garments.
7 i ka kī lîh khui. lì tīo. 7 It split open itself. Tear.
8 i kâi i hôk phùa lîh. 8 His garments were tattered.
9 pun huang chue lîh. 9 Torn by the wind.
10 lîh cɵ̀ chit poih kɵ̀. 10 Ripped into seven or eight pieces.
11 lîh mâk. phah lîh. 11 Fissured eye. To rive.
12 i kâi phûe pak kàu cheng khih. 12 Peal its skin off clean.
13 peh tīo phûe cìaⁿ hɵ́ cîah. 13 Peal off the skin then eat it.
14 koi nn̆g ká câu câu. 14 Beat the egos thoroughly.
15 koi nn̆g kɵ tîeh lă câu. 15 Stir the cake thoroughly.
16 a nôⁿ kíaⁿ hùe lă lă ká. 16 Children are always stirring.
17 buah khui, cĭu hɵ́ kùe. 17 Brush it aside so we can pass.
18 buah tīo lêng ūaⁿ síaⁿ. 18 Rub out and write again.
19 peh tīo phûe, khʉ̀ tīo hût, ău sâh thn̂g, sâh mî mî, kìe cɵ̀ kɵ. 19 Take off the skin, take out the stones, stew in sugar to a pulp, and call it jam.
20 buah îeh. buah kɵ îeh. 20 Rub on medicine. Smear with salve.
21 cang cí kâi îeh buah kúi jît, ău cìaⁿ bŏi céng. 21 Smear on this medicine for a few days then it will not swell.
22 kuah tī. cham câu câu. 22 Cede territory. Mix evenly.
23 tī kha pun cúi kuah kàu kĭa kĭa. 23 The foundation has been cut off sharp by the water.