Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/190

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

東 tang; east.

西 sai; west.

南 lâm; south.

北 pak; north.

春 chun; spring.

夏 hē; summer.

秋 chiu; autumn.

冬 tang; winter.

季 khùi; season; crop.

逢 hông; meet unexpectedly.

再 cài; again; likewise.

囘 * cûn; moment.

1 lʉ́ kâi sìo kuah pàng úa. 1 Turn your account over to me.
2 kuah cɵ̀ nɵ̆ pôiⁿ. 2 Cut it into two portions.
3 saⁿ sì īeⁿ cham cɵ̀ cêk ē. 3 Three or four kinds mingled.
4 cham ke cêk chɵh lɵ̂h khʉ̀. 4 Mix in a little more.
5 mài cham tîeh m̄ hɵ́ kâi. 5 Do not mix in the bad ones.
6 mài sie cham. 6 Do not mingle them.
7 cí īeⁿ mûeh cham tîeh hʉ́ īeⁿ bɵ̂ ēng khʉ̀. 7 This sort is so mixed with that as to be rendered useless.
8 buah m̄ câu. 8 Not rubbed on evenly.
9 tăi ke pun câu câu. 9 All share alike.
10 sai pak. tang lâm. 10 Northwest. Southeast.
11 tang pak. sai lâm. 11 Southwest. Northeast.
12 lʉ́ kâi chun chiu jîeh cōi? 12 How advanced in years are you?
13 chun khùi kâi i hôk. 13 Autumn garments.
14 ko bâk hông chun cài hwt gê. 14 Sere trees bud again in spring-time.
15 chun hun, chiu hun, jît mê pêⁿ pun. 15 At the vernal and autumnal equinox, the days and nights are equal.
16 sî sî hông tîeh i. 16 Always coming across him.
17 hē húe thiⁿ. 17 The hot season.
18 ôih lō sie hông. 18 Met in a narrow path.
19 tang jît khɵ́ ài. 19 The winter sun is desirable.
20 cêk nî sì khùi. 20 One year has four seasons.
21 cīeⁿ khùi, ĕ khui. 21 Early and late crop.
22 úa cí cûn kàu. 22 I this instant arrived.
23 cí cûn mûeh tîeh khʉ̀. 23 Must go this instant.
24 lʉ́ cí cûn tàⁿ kâi. 24 What you just now say.
25 hʉ́ cêk cûn ŭ. 25 At that moment there was.