Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/194

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

猴 kâu; monkey.

鼠 chʉ́; rat species.

兔 thò; hare.

獺 thoah; beaver.

甕 aǹg; a jar.

末 bûah; leavings; powder.

倒 tɵ́; fall over.

顛 tin; tien; apex; upset.

倒 tɵ̀; táu; invert; pour out.

縛 pâk; fasten; bind.

果 kúaⁿ; really; truly.

然 jîen; truly; however.

1 cí cêk ûe pun pât nâng. 1 Give this piece to some one else.
2 kuah cêk pùaⁿ. 2 Cut off half of it.
3 lʉ́ cêk ûe, úa cêk ûe. 3 You half and I half.
4 in ūi tîeh cí kĭaⁿ sʉ̄. 4 Because of this affair.
5 mài tin tɵ̀ cɵ̀. 5 Do not make it upside down.
6 úa hàm lʉ́ cìeⁿ seⁿ, lʉ́ tin tɵ̀ hìeⁿ seⁿ. 6 I tell you this way, and you do the other way.
7 mài tien tien táu táu. 7 Do not turn things upside down.
8 i pùaⁿ mê kàu. 8 He arrived at midnight.
9 lâi ŭ pùaⁿ kâi gûeh. 9 Came a fortnight ago.
10 ŵn in i kâi a hiaⁿ bɵ̂ lâi. 10 Because his brother did not come.
11 hāi i tɵ́ lɵ̂h khʉ̀. 11 Made it tumble down.
12 i kîaⁿ kàu pùaⁿ mê. 12 He walked till midnight.
13 kâi, pùaⁿ kâi, ŭ. 13 There is scarcely one.
14 kîaⁿ kàu pùaⁿ lō cĭu hiah. 14 Went half way, then stopped.
15 gûeh pùaⁿ kha àiⁿ khʉ̀. 15 Will go the middle of the month.
16 pùaⁿ pêh, pùaⁿ o. 16 Mottled black and white.
17 ŵn in sĭ cɵ̀ nî? 17 Why is all this?
18 cío pue pùaⁿ thiⁿ. 18 Bird flying in mid heaven.
19 pùaⁿ thiⁿ lûi. 19 A species of noisy beetle.
20 i lâi pài hāu lʉ́. 20 He comes to pay his respects to you.
21 a má nâng sɵ́ chah kâi n̂gn hue. tɵ̀ tīo. 21 Women's head ornaments. Pour it out.
22 kúaⁿ jîen sĭ. 22 It is certainly so.
23 nɵ̆ kâi seⁿ lâi jîen jîen. 23 The two are precisely alike.
24 îeh bûah. pêh îeh bûah. 24 Powdered medicine. Quinine.
25 pâk kàu kín kín. 25 Fasten it tight.
26 tɵ̀ pàng úaⁿ kɵ̀. 26 Pour it into a bowl.
27 tie cɵ̀ kúi aǹg. 27 Decant it into several jars.