Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/208

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

命 mīa; life; lot; fate.

命 měng; command; charge.

蜂 phang; bee; wasp.

蜜 bît; honey; sweet.

嶼 sʉ̆; an island.

鎖 sɵ́; lock.

蓮 nôi; lily; lotus.

麻 mûa; hemp.

穀 * kak; grains; corn.

菽 * sek; soy; pulse.

麥 bêh; wheat.

蠟 lâh; wax.

1 cáu khʉ̀ síam hŏ. 2 síam mn̂g. cʉ kìam. 3 tɵ kìam. hɵ́ mīa. 4 khó mīa. thien mĕng. 5 sèⁿ mīa. sǹg mīa. 6 ŏi cîah tn̂g mīa. 7 tɵ́ mīa. uaⁿ mīa. 8 it it jû mĕng. 9 sŭn i kâi mĕng. 10 úa mĕng i cɵ̀ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 11 mīa pɵ̂h. seⁿ mīa. 12 bît phang. n̂g phang. 13 úa khó mīa nâng. 14 phang bît. tîam kùe bît. 15 sɵ́ sî. sɵ́ thâu. 16 sɵ́ mn̂g. nôi hue. 17 bît lâh. ngŏ kak. 18 bɵ̂ suaⁿ bɵ̂ sʉ̆. 19 nôi khui hue lío. 20 mûa tāu sek bêh. 21 bɵ̂ hŏ, bí bŏi hwt khí lâi, nâng gɵ̄ sí. 22 hái sʉ̆. mī bêh. 23 cí kâi sʉ̆ kìe cɵ̀ mih mîa? 24 pak bêh cɵ̀ mī ío hɵ́ cîah. bêh chân. 25 nôi hue khui kâi sî hāu kìe cɵ̀ hē thiⁿ.

1 Run under shelter from rain. 2 Screen doors. Students' rapier. 3 Weapons. Happy lot. 4 Luckless. Fate. 5 Existence. Calculate fortunes. 6 Have a long life. 7 Short-lived. Easy life. 8 Everything done as required. 9 Obey his commands. 10 I ordered him to do so. 11 Luck is bad. Horoscope. 12 Honey bee. Hornet. 13 I am an ill-fated one. 14 Honey. Sweeter than honey. 15 Key. A lock. 16 Lock the door. Lotus flower. 17 Beeswax. All kinds of grains. 18 The open sea. 19 The lotus has blossomed. 20 All sorts of crops. 21 If there be no rain the rice does not come up, and people starve. 22 Islands. Wheat. 23 What is this island called? 24 The northern wheat makes better flour. Wheat-field. 25 The time when lilies blossom is called summer.