Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/210

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

雀 chiak; ciah; sparrow.

露 lō; dew.

霜 sng; frost.

冰 piaⁿ; ice.

旗 kî; a flag.

收 siu; receive; gather in.

執 * khîa; to hold; carry.

執 cip; retain; engage in.

鑽 cǹg; auger.

銃 chèng; gun.

鑼 lɵ̂; gongs.

鼓 kó; drums.

1 mûa ciah cío. nôi cí. 2 n̂g chiak. phah chèng. 3 khîa hŏ sùaⁿ. cǹg kiáⁿ. 4 khîa pit àiⁿ cìaⁿ. 5 lʉ́ thóiⁿ i kâi chíu tèng khîa ki mih mûeh? 6 chíu khîa ki sìⁿ. 7 kak cip cêk ì. 8 kak cip cêk sueh. cip ì. 9 kak cip cêk lí. 10 lʉ́ īa sĭ cip ka kī kâi ì, sʉ̄ cĭu m̄ tît. 11 kâi nâng cip cêk kĭaⁿ sʉ̄. 12 cip sʉ̄ jîeh cōi nâng? 13 hue lō cúi. lō cúi tăng. 14 mé jît, tăng lō. 15 thiⁿ sî tăi chìn, lɵ̂h sng lɵ̂h sɵh. hue kî. 16 sng sĭ thiⁿ téng lɵ̂h kâi; piaⁿ sĭ cúi kat kâi. 17 khîa kî cɵ̀ hɵ̄. 18 ngŏ kak tōa siu sêng. 19 chèng îeh, chèng cí. 20 siu kuah. siu khí. 21 siu phò. phah kó. 22 siu bói. phah lɵ̂.

1 The house sparrow. Lotus seeds. 2 Goldfinch. Fire a gun. 3 Carry an umbrella. Gimlet. 4 Should hold the pen upright. 5 What do you think that is which he holds in his hand? 6 Held a fan in his hand. 7 Each retains his own notions. 8 Each holds to his own explanation. Obstinate. 9 Each maintains his own doctrine. 10 If you persist in your own idea the matter will not be settled. 11 Each man attends to one sort of business. 12 How many managers are there? 13 Perfumery. Heavy dew. 14 Hot sun makes heavy dew. 15 Very cold weather with frost and snow. U. S. flag. 16 Frost falls from the sky; ice is congealed water. 17 Hold up a flag as a signal. 18 The harvest home. 19 Powder and shot. 20 Reap the harvest. Gather up. 21 Shut up shop. Beating drums. 22 Buyer. Sound gongs.