Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/218

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

趕 kúaⁿ; pursue; hasten.

逐 tôk; jīo; drive; press.

嚷 jíang; clamor; bawl.

捧 * put; take with both hands.

滅 mît; exterminate.

原 ngŵn; origin; innate.

流 lâu; flow; circulate.

唾 * nŭa; saliva; spittle.

唾 * phùi; to spit out.

容 îong; bear with; style.

准 cún; permit; grant.

求 khîu; beseech; beg.

1 lʉ́ kâi cŭe sĭ tăng. 2 huang éng tōa căi. 3 éng hìeⁿ tōa úa m̄ káⁿ khʉ̀. 4 mài jíang. pek chiet khîu. 5 úa tit cŭe lʉ́. 6 kúaⁿ khùe cē. kúaⁿ lō. 7 kúaⁿ chut. jīo m̄ tîeh lío. 8 lʉ́ tîeh kúaⁿ kín cɵ̀. 9 lʉ́ jīo úa m̄ tîeh. 10 kúaⁿ cí hûe sŭn cúi, hɵ́ khui cûn. 11 lʉ́ hɵ́ khʉ̀ jīo i mé cē. 12 jīo kàu bɵ̂ mn̂g bɵ̂ lɵ̄. 13 kúaⁿ tôk. jīo tīo. tôk chut. 14 jīo i chut khʉ̀. îong i. 15 lʉ́ hɵ́ khʉt úa khîu. 16 khîu khʉ̀, cún a m̄ cún? 17 gūa mīn tɵ̆ jíang khá sĭ lʉ́ a m̄ sĭ? 18 lʉ́ jíang mih sʉ̄? 19 i jíang tó khùn. 20 îong úa tàⁿ cêk kù ūe. 21 phīⁿ kìⁿ bûe, nŭa cúi cĭu lâu. kúaⁿ lâu. 22 cìe ngŵn īeⁿ. 23 phùi nŭa. ngŵn lâi. 24 mît tīo khʉ̀. mît côk. 25 mît mn̂g. ngŵn nâng.

1 Your offense is great. 2 It is very rough. 3 The waves are so high, I dare not go. 4 Do not yell. Beg urgently. 5 I have offended you. 6 Hurry up. Go faster. 7 Drive out. Couldn't overtake. 8 Do it as quick as you can. 9 You can't catch up with me. 10 Let us start now and avail ourselves of the tide. 11 You go and hurry him up. 12 Driven to extremities. 13 Expel. Drive away. Exorcise. 14 Drive him out. Bear with him. 15 Grant my petition. 16 Was the petition granted? 17 It was you halooing out there, was it not? 18 What are you clamoring about? 19 He bawls because he is hungry. 20 Let me speak a word. 21 Smelling plums makes the mouth water. Follow the tide. 22 The same as before. 23 To expectorate. Previously. 24 Exterminated. Extinct clan. 25 Extinct family. First owner.