Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/220

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

流 lîu; class; fluid; vagrant.

下 hĭa; lower; below.

稷 cek; glutinous millet.

黍 sú; millet.

跡 ciah; foot-mark; trace.

約 ieh; contract; treaty.

罷 pă; desist; quash.

遇 ngɵ̆; to meet; happen.

貪 tham; covet; bent on.

耍 * cháⁿ; loiter; play.

耍 * sńg; frolic; sport.

hîuⁿ; wadded jacket.

1 pńg ngŵn. ngŵn ì. 2 ngŵn lâi sĭ cìeⁿ seⁿ. 3 ngŵn m̄ kai cìeⁿ seⁿ. 4 lâu cúi tōa. lâu hueh. 5 lâu mâk cap. lâu tĭⁿ. 6 nńg lîu. lîu lɵ̂h. 7 hĭa lîu. huang lîu. 8 tn̂g lâu cúi. lîu lî sit sɵ́. 9 îong mău. m̄ îong i. 10 lân îong. pau îong. 11 chông îong. cún úa khîu. 12 khá sĭ îong kōi? 13 úa m̄ cún lʉ́ cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀. 14 khîu mîa. 15 lʉ́ àiⁿ thâk cʉ, pĭen sĭ thâk cʉ, m̄ hɵ́ cháⁿ. 16 bɵ̂ íaⁿ, bɵ̂ ciah. 17 úa cai íaⁿ ciah. 18 ŏi kîaⁿ sîn sɵ́ cɵ̀ kâi sʉ̄ ciah. m̄ hɵ́ sńg. 19 mît ieh. tham sim. 20 lʉ́ bói mûeh hɵ́, cĭu lâi, mài khʉ̀ tī kɵ̀ cháⁿ. 21 lʉ́ thiaⁿ úa pĭen thiaⁿ, m̄ thiaⁿ, pĭen pă. 22 pă chĭ. pă kang. 23 ngɵ̆ tîeh. sie ngɵ̆.

1 Primarily. First intention. 2 It was originally so. 3 By rights it should not be so. 4 The tide is rising. To bleed. 5 Shed tears. The tide is full. 6 Womankind. Squatters. 7 Lower classes. A hearsay. 8 Everflowing water. Vagabonds. 9 Style and looks. Not endure him. 10 Inexcusable. Long enduring. 11 Forbear. Grant my request. 12 Is it so easy? 13 I will not allow you to do so. 14 Strive for a reputation. 15 If you are going to read, read, and not loiter. 16 There is no evidence of it. 17 I know its marks. 18 Can work miracles. Do not play. 19 Private understanding. Covetous. 20 When you have bought the things then come back; do not go loitering about. 21 If you listen to me, well and good; if not that ends it. 22 Closed market. Strike for wages. 23 It happened. Meet each other.