Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/222

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

管 kẃn; rule; sway.

管 * kńg; a duct; tube.

脊 cit; ciah; spine; ridge.

鰭 * nĭa; dorsal fin.

翅 sît; chì; side fins.

冠 * kùe; comb of birds.

蠶 chôiⁿ; silkworm.

蠹 cù; weevil.

蟀 sut; cricket.

鱷 ngâk; crocodile.

魦 sua; shark.

䱌 * gô; porpoise.

1 lʉ́ kúaⁿ úa m̄ tîeh. 2 úa kâi cûn mé, kúaⁿ i kâi cûn tit tîeh. 3 kúaⁿ cí ciah hóⁿ, kúaⁿ kàu jîeh hn̆g? 4 kúaⁿ cí kâi lâu, ío mé kàu. 5 lʉ́ tɵ̆ có ke tī tiang sî khí sin lâi cí kɵ̀? 6 khí sin a būe? 7 poih gûeh àiⁿ khí sin. 8 cí ciah káu ŏi kă nâng a bŏi? 9 i thóiⁿ cɵ̀ khî hùe. 10 lɵ̂h hùe. khí hùe. 11 chut hùe. hùe kha. 12 bɵ̂ ie ciah kut. mɵ̂ kńg. 13 á chíu cóiⁿ kut. 14 jī sía lâi ŭ kut lât. kùi kut. 15 kut piⁿ nêk. kut thâu hu. 16 cîeh kài. sì kài. 17 pun tī kài. bí thai. 18 thai bí. pă chíu. koi mɵ̂ kńg. 19 tâk jîeh cōiⁿ cîⁿ? 20 sĭ tâk cîⁿ kâi mûeh. 21 m̄ tâk cêk kâi cîⁿ. 22 àiⁿ pă put lêng. 23 kẃn lí. siu kẃn.

1 You cannot keep up with me. 2 My boat is a fast one, and can overtake his boat. 3 How far did you pursue the tiger ? 4 If we follow this tide we shall arrive sooner. 5 When did you start from your country to come here? 6 Have they started yet? 7 Will start in the eighth month. 8 Is this dog apt to bite ? 9 He considered it a rare article. 10 Ship off goods. Land goods. 11 Take delivery of goods. Garblings. 12 No backbone. Hair duct. 13 Crack the finger joints. 14 The characters are vigorously written. A fine figure. 15 Meat next the bone. Bone dust. 16 A boundary stone. This world. 17 Settle the boundaries. Rice sieve. 18 Sift rice. Stop work. Quill. 19 How much is it worth? 20 It is very valuable. 21 Not worth a single cash. 22 Could not cease from it. 23 Govern, Take control.