Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/226

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

苧 tĭu; species of hemp.

渡 tō; ferry; ford.

闢 phek; open up.

闢 * pit; crack; disclose.

縫 * phāng; a chink; crack.

鳳 hŏng; phenix.

願 ngw̆n; wish; desire.

甘 kam; agreeable; willing.

肯 khéng; bàuⁿ; willing; assenting-

堪 kham; worthy; sustain.

牽 khan; lead; pull.

完 ŵn; finish; conclude.

1 si sùaⁿ. si pò. 2 si hwt. tĭu sùaⁿ. 3 bâk sùaⁿ. tĭu pò. 4 tâng sùaⁿ; thih sùaⁿ. 5 khîang hàn. hɵ́ hàn nâng. 6 mî se. khan gû. 7 cí kâi pò, sĭ chôiⁿ si keⁿ kâi, a sĭ mî se keⁿ kâi? 8 hʉ́ cêk tîo pò àiⁿ lì cɵ̀ nɵ̆ ûe, lʉ́ cêk ûe úa cêk ûe. lʉ́ hɵ́ khan i khʉ̀. 9 tah tō cûn khʉ̀. khui phek. 10 kùe tō. kam sim. 11 úa cɵ̀ kam? 12 lʉ́ kāng úa bói cêk peh cîⁿ si sùaⁿ. 13 úa kam ngw̆n. 14 lʉ́ khéng khʉ̀, mē? 15 khéng a m̄ khéng? 16 kham kai tit phah. 17 seⁿ phāng: pit phāng. 18 tah thiⁿ kng cá kâi tō cûn, kùe khoi. tō thâu. 19 cá tō: ùaⁿ tō. 20 chn̂g pit phāng lío. 21 sin ceng kâi chîeⁿ kōi pit phāng. m̄ hàuⁿ. 22 cɵ̀ kàu ŵn chŵn.

1 Sewing silk. Silk cloth. 2 Unspun silk. Linen thread. 3 A line made with ink, Linen. 4 Brass wire; iron wire. 5 Robust. Chieftains. 6 Cotton yarn. Take care of cows. 7 Is this cloth made of silk or of cotton? 8 Tear that strip of cloth into two parts, one for you and one for me. You lead him. 9 Go by ferry boat. Develop. 10 Cross the ferry. Submissive. 11 How can I be willing? 12 You buy a hundred cash worth of sewing silk for me. 13 I am willing and desirous. 14 Are you willing to go? 15 Are you willing, or not? 16 Deserving of a whipping. 17 To crack open. 18 Take the early ferry-boat across the river. The ferry. 19 Early boat: late boat. 20 The table has cracked. 21 Newly pounded walls easily crack. Unwilling. 22 Finish it completely.