Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/228

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


招 cie; make known; induce. 招 * îah; beckon. 招 cio; assume; confess. 醬 cìeⁿ; condiments. 擂 lûi; to triturate. 哭 khàu; to cry; weep. 笑 chìe; smile; laugh. 戲 hìⁿ; theatre; play. 熬 ngâu; simmer; seethe. 燉 tŭn; boil by putting the dish into water. 湖 hû; ô; a lake. 星 cheⁿ; a star.

1 úa sim sɵ́ ngw̆n. 2 ŵn lío sim ngw̆n. 3 că ngw̆n. m̄ ngw̆n. 4 ēng ŵn lío. ŵn chŵn. 5 ŵn kang. ŵn pĭ. 6 ŵn lío. tàⁿ ŵn lío. 7 m̄ kham. kham ēng. 8 sĭu khó lân kham ? 9 kam kit. kam hō. 10 că kam. kam kam kâi. 11 kam cháu. khan lîen. 12 khan si. khan kùa. 13 cí kâi tĩ hng sĭm khai phek. 14 khai phek: khui phek. 15 mài làn phãng. 16 cʉ̆ cio. cio hu. 17 chut cie thiap. cie thiap. 18 cie uaⁿ. mài khàu. 19 cie nâng lâi cɵ̀ kang. 20 cie ang. 21 i că cio jīn. 22 sĭ i cie ín lâi kâi. 23 îah i lâi. cie i lâi bói. cie i lâi. 24 tāu cìeⁿ. lûi thûi. 25 hìn chìe. khʉ̀ thóiⁿ hìⁿ. 26 hìn kíaⁿ. hìⁿ sńg. 27 cɵ̀ hìⁿ. cheⁿ kuang.

1 What my heart desires. 2 Gratified the heart's desire. 3 Own free will. Averse. 4 All used up. All concluded. 5 Finish the job. All made ready. 6 Got through. Through speaking. 7 Unworthy. Fit to use. 8 How can I bear this suffering? 9 A willing bond. Timely rain. 10 Voluntary. Luscious ones. 11 Liquorice. Implicate. 12 Stretch silk. Held in suspense. 13 This place has a wide view. 14 Having a fine prospect. 15 Do not leave chinks. 16 Bring upon one's self. Wait upon. 17 Issue a handbill. A poster. 18 Proclaim amnesty. Don't cry. 19 Advertise for laborers. 20 To take a son-in-law. 21 He owns to the charge. 22 The one introduced by him. 23 Beckon to lim. Lead him to buy. Induce him to come. 24 Bean-sauce. A pestle. 25 Ridicule. Go to the theatre. 26 Actors. To frolic; tease. 27 Perform a play. Starlight.