Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/230

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


珠 cu; a pearl; bead. 珍 tien; precious; rare. 寶 pɵ́; valuable; noble. 貝 pùe; rich; precious. 砲 phàu; cannon; fireworks. 臼 khŭ; a mortar. 串 chẁn; pak; to string on. 乾 * kuaⁿ; cured by drying. 乾 kang; clean; entirely. 廚 tô; sit; kitchen. 匆 chong; burried. 捷 * tīam; continuously.

1 ké cu; cin cu. 2 cu pɵ́. cêk pak cu. 3 kùa phīⁿ phang kâi hieⁿ cu. 4 hʉ̂ mâk hŭn cu. 5 mê mêng cu. khî tien. 6 tien tŏng. tien pɵ́. 7 Lɵ̂ kè pɵ́. âng pɵ́ cîeh. 8 lʉ́ pat pɵ́. 9 lâm pɵ́ cîeh. pɵ́ sua hún. 10 pɵ́ tŏng. pɵ́ pùe. 11 ue tàⁿ lâi m̄ cêk chẁn. 12 chùn kùe khʉ̀. 13 i kio i chẁn tâng. 14 àm cĕⁿ kio i sie chẁn. 15 chẁn hâh. chẁn thong. chẁn phàu. 16 hɵ̆ phàu. cêk mn̂g phàu. 17 phàu thâi. phàu chia. 18 cí cêk mn̂g phàu hɵ́ phùe ŭ jîeh cõi húe îeh, jîeh tăng kâi phàu cí? 19 mn̂g kha khŭ. bí khŭ. 20 kang cĕng. bōi kang cĕng. 21 phâk cɵ̀ kuaⁿ. 22 cêk nâng kang cêk pue. 23 tô pâng. húe sît. 24 úa cêk sĩ chong chong. 25 lʉ́ hɵ́ tīam tīam kiaⁿ.

1 False pearls; real pearls. 2 Jewelry. A string of beads. 3 Wear a scent bag. 4 Mixing fish-eyes and pearls. 5 A brilliant gem. Exquisite. 6 To prize. Precious things. 7 Invaluable. A ruby. 8 You are a judge of the value. 9 A sapphire. Emery. 10 To esteem. Valuable. 11 That just said is irrelevant. 12 To string through. 13 They were banded together. 14 Secretly leagued with them. 15 Banded together. Intercommunicate. String of fire crackers. 16 Signal gun. A cannon. 17 A fort. Gun-carriage. 18 How much powder, and how heavy a cannon ball, are required to load this cannon? 19 Socket for door-pivot. Rice mortar. 20 Limpid. All sold out. 21 Dry it in the sun. 22 Each person drained a glass. 23 Kitchen. Cook-room. 24 I was in a desperate hurry. 25 You walk right along.