Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/238

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


頃 khẃn; 100 acres. 手 * síu; person; handy. 眷 kẁn; kindred; regard. 周 ciu; environ; circulate. 週 ciu; a year; revolve. 炒 chá; to fry dry.

煎 * luah; to fry in oil. 煏 pek; to toast. 仙 sien; an immortal. 筋 kʉn; sinews; tendon. 眼 ngán; the eye. 焙 pūe; dry over a fire.

1 câp hun ûi cêk bó. 2 cêk bó chân sin jîeh cōi chek? ke kẁn. 3 chue síu. keng cìⁿ síu. phàu síu. suah síu. cʉ síu. cúi síu. phah síu. 4 láu chíu. mîa chíu. kùe chíu. sêk chíu. 5 hɵ́ cɵ̀ chíu. chíu ě. 6 cīeⁿ chíu; ě chíu. 7 ě chíu; cīeⁿ chíu. 8 cîeⁿ chíu kang; ẽ chíu kang. pêh chíu cɵ̀. 9 cĩeⁿ chíu sĭ úa cɵ̀; ě chíu sĭ i lâi cɵ̀. 10 pêh chíu sêng ke. 11 khang chíu. cheⁿ chíu. 12 saⁿ ciah chíu. sŭn chíu. 13 cŭ kẁn. kẁn kù. 14 ciu bât. ciu chŵn. 15 ciu cai. sì ciu ûi. 16 ciu nî, ciu pûeh, ciu jît. 17 sîn sien; sien nâng. 18 cúi sien hue. thien sien. 19 tī sien. kìam sien. 20 sien kut. poih sien. 21 cheⁿ kʉn. tōa kʉn. 22 hueh kʉn. mī kʉn.

1 Ten tenths make an acre. 2 How much paddy from an acre of ground? The family. 3 Players on wind instruments. Archers. Gunners. Executioner. Copyist. Waterman. Pugilist. 4 An old hand. A skilled hand. To transfer. An expert. 5 Work of art. Subordinates. 6 On the left; on the right. 7 Another time; the other time. 8 Master workman; apprentices. Do a thing off hand. 9 The other time I did it; next time he does it. 10 A self-made man. 11 Empty-handed. A raw hand. 12 Light-fingered. By the way. 13 Household. Regard kindly. 14 Well defined. Bring about. 15 General knowledge. All around. 16 Complete year, month or day. 17 Invisible beings; fairies. 18 The narcissus. Angels. 19 A human immortal. Fencer. 20 Fairy-like. The eight genii. 21 Veins. Tendons of the body. 22 Blood vessels. Tough dough.