Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/242

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


蒂 lih; tih; rootlets; stems. 腭 ngâk; roof of the mouth. 肩 koiⁿ; the shoulder. 胸 heng; the thorax. 坪 phîaⁿ; beach; flats. 嶺 nía; a ridge; range.

臂 pì; forearm. 節 coih; festival; term. 節 cak; joint; restrain. 肘 * thn̆g; elbow. 膝 chek; the knee. 脇 hîap; side of the body.

1 jíang kàu âu bɵ̂ siaⁿ. 2 lʉ́ ìn tap m̄ kong. úa kāi i cɵ̀ tong pɵ́. 3 tong kìⁿ. 4 ŭ nŏ khí, cêk khí sĭ tîam, cêk khí si kîam. 5 mâk kha phûe. heng côiⁿ. 6 âu lêng kńg. âu lêng lih. 7 heng côiⁿ kut. kʉn lih. 8 pn̄g sî kut; koiⁿ kah. 9 kue sêk, lih lɵ̂h. heng kuaⁿ côiⁿ. 10 tiah tīo lih. 11 cīeⁿ ngâk. koiⁿ thâu. 12 khui heng saⁿ. 13 koi heng; ku heng. 14 tûi heng. sim heng. 15 sim heng khuah. chek ĕ. 16 i kâi sim heng lêng ūaⁿ kio nâng m̄ tâng. 17 hái phîa. khoi phîa. 18 suaⁿ nía. nía thâu. kùe nía. nía lō. nía kha. kîaⁿ kàu pùaⁿ nía hiah hêk. nía téng. 19 chíu pì. sî coih. 20 chíu thăng. cńg kah. 21 phah chek kŭi.

1 Scream till hoarse. 2 Your answer is not to the point. I will be bail for him. 3 An intermediate agent. 4 There are two kinds, one is sweet and one is salt. 5 Eyelids. The breast. 6 The tonsils. The palate. 7 The breast bone. Rootlets. 8 Shoulder blade. 9 The melon being ripe the stem falls off. The breast. 10 Pick off the stems. 11 Roof of the mouth. Shoulder. 12 Jacket opening in front. 13 A projecting breast bone. 14 Beat the breast. Disposition. 15 Magnanimous. One's children. 16 His disposition is different from other people's. 17 Flats by a sea or river. 18 Mountain range. High peaks. To pass. The pass. Foot of the pass. Went half up the steep and stopped to rest. Highest point. 19 The arm. Stated times. 20 Elbow. Thumb-nail. 21 Bend the knees.