Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/244

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


膕 * wt; hinge joint. 腕 ẃn; the wrist. 籬 lî; fence or wattle. 臁 lîam; calf of the leg. 跟 * teⁿ; heel of the foot. 胃 ūi; the stomach.

盂 u; a porringer. 脉 mêh; the pulse. 痰 thâm; phlegm. 汗 kūaⁿ; perspiration. 腸 tn̂g; intestines. 腋 * kɵh; arm-pit.

1 cí kâi nía kûiⁿ căi; lîen cío àiⁿ pue kùe khʉ̀ hŵn sĭ ɵh. 2 kùe cí kâi nía hìaⁿ pôiⁿ m̄ cai sih mih tī kài. 3 hŭ úa cêk pì kâi lât. 4 cɵ̀ coih. kùe coih. 5 cak ēng. cak khĭam. 6 cńg thâu kong; kha cńg thâu kong; kha cńg kíaⁿ; cóiⁿ kah; kha cńg kah. 7 chíu cóiⁿ, kha cóiⁿ. 8 chíu cńg thâu, kha cńg thâu. 9 chíu cak. 10 hiap ě. thâu khak chúe. 11 ka kī kâi hueh mêh. 12 kha tn̂g tó. thâm kẁn. 13 sío jîn khì. kha ău teⁿ. 14 i bɵ̂ sih mih khì lât. l5 lâi cɵ̆ úa kha thâu u. 16 lâu kūaⁿ. sim heng ôih. 17 àn mêh. chíu ẃn. 18 ẃn lât. phîaⁿ lî kut. 19 tek lî. tāu lî. 20 kha lîam kut. sim tn̂g. 21 hɵ́ sim tn̂g. cêk mêh. 22 mêh lí. 23 hwt kūaⁿ îeh. pío kūaⁿ.

1 This is a lofty ridge; it would be difficult for even a bird to fly over it. 2 It is unknown what country is beyond this range. 3 Lend us a hand. 4 Keep holiday. Spend holiday. 5 Economize. Be frugal. 6 The thumb; the big toe; small toes; finger nails; toe nails. 7 The fingers and toes. 8 All the fingers and toes. 9 A finger ring, finger joint. 10 The side. The brains. 11 One's own kith and kin. 12 Calf of the leg. Spittoon. 13 Ill-bred. The heel of the foot. 14 He has not much energy. 15 Come sit on my knee. 16 Perspire. Illiberal. 17 Feel the pulse. The wrist. 18 Strength of wrist. The ribs. 19 Bamboo fence. Trellis for peas. 20 Shin bone. Bowels. 21 Kindly disposed. Of one blood. 22 Philosophy of the pulse. 23 A sudorific. Produce sweat.