Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/246

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


島 táu; island; rock. 谷 kok; ravine; gulch. 洞 tāng; cave; gorge. 穴 hŵt; den; cavern. 巢 châu; tàu; nest. 曠 khùang; vacant.

野 ía; desert; wild. 壩 pà; low banks. 埠 po; mart; port. 禦 gʉ̆; cause to desist. 鳴 mêng; to cry out; buzz. 温 un; tepid; genial.

1 kɵh tháng ĕ. un cúi. 2 cúi ūi kháu. hái táu. 3 ũi kháu khui. un sêk. 4 khʉ̀ ūi húe. un pó. 5 khui ūi. kha lîam phīⁿ. 6 m̄ khui ūi. suaⁿ kok. 7 hâng ūi. hẃn ūi. 8 ūi ngân. un ūi 9 un cʉ. un pá. 10 suaⁿ mêng kok èng. 11 khong kok. kok kháu. 12 mêng wn. ía sèⁿ. 13 cío mêng, bé mêng, têk mêng. mêng kó. 14 sien tāng. tāng hŵt. 15 tāng pâng hue cek. 16 hĭa hŵt. cío tàu. 17 tît tît khʉ̀ phah chât kâi châu hŵt. 18 put jîp hóⁿ hŵt uaⁿ tit hóⁿ cʉ́. bɵ̂ châu hŵt. 19 khùang ía. pêh hwt. 20 cháu ía. chân ía. 21 ía jîn. suaⁿ pà. 22 po thâu. îam po. 23 tòa po thâu. kɵh ĕ. 24 bɵ̂ nâng gʉ̆ i tit cŭ.

1 The arm-pit. Tepid water. 2 Pit of the stomach. Islet. 3 Have an appetite. Familiarize. 4 Cleanse the blood. Tonics. 5 Excite an appetite. Shin. 6 Not appetizing. Valleys. 7 Indigestion. Turn the stomach. 8 Weak stomach. Warm the stomach. 9 Review studies. Warm and fed. 10 The vales echo the hills. 11 A gorge. Bed of a torrent. 12 Cry out for redress. Restive. 13 The cry of a bird, a horse a deer. Sound a drum. 14 Fairy grotto. Cavern. 15 The nuptial chamber. 16 Ant-hole. Bird's nest. 17 Straightway go and destroy the robber's den. 18 You do not enter a tiger's den and quietly take the cubs. Houseless. 19 Wilderness. Self-sown. 20 Desert. A common. 21 A rustic. Low banks. 22 A port. A salt depot. 23 A great mast. Arm-pit. 24 Nobody can withstand him.