Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/248

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


城 sîaⁿ; city; citadel. 邑 ip; city; fief. 鄉 hieⁿ; village; country. 里 lí; neighborhood. 寨 cē; a hold; stockade. 村 chng; hamlet.

池 tî; pool; pond. 江 kang; river; canal. 掘 khut; hole; cave. 喪 sàng; lose; bereft. 室 sit; abiding place. 浴 êk; to bathe.

1 âu lêng gʉ̆. sói êk. 2 tī tîang káⁿ khʉ̀ gʉ̆ i. 3 kha wt; chíu wt. 4 úa pat kàu i ke. 5 lăi sit. sit ke. 6 sàng sim. sàng sèⁿ mīa. 7 phah êk. jʉ̂ êk. 8 hʉ́ kâi hieⁿ lí seⁿ tɵ̆ tī kɵ̀? 9 cûn íⁿ keng jîp kang kháu. 10 sîaⁿ chîeⁿ: sîaⁿ mn̂g. 11 sái i khʉ̀ sîaⁿ lăi. 12 ip jîn. sîaⁿ lăi hùe. 13 sîaⁿ chĭ nâng. tâng hieⁿ. 14 hieⁿ ĕ. ĭ hieⁿ. 15 hʉ̂ tî; nói tî. 16 sói êk koiⁿ. seⁿ tî khut. 17 cúi khut. hieⁿ lí kíaⁿ. 18 cí kâi hieⁿ chng ciu ûi lóng cóng sĭ tî khut. 19 hieⁿ chng kâi nâng cōi nâng káⁿ khʉ̀ tî sói êk. 20 chut sîaⁿ mn̂g gūa cĭu sĭ kang cúi. hieⁿ lí gūa. 21 tāng cí sîaⁿ kàu nín cē lăi ŭ jîeh cōi lí lō? 22 kîa kàu tî kîⁿ khut kîⁿ kɵ̀, tîeh cai thóiⁿ lõ. 23 cí kang piⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi hieⁿ chng?

1 Adam's apple. To bathe. 2 Who ventures to withstand him? 3 Knee joint; elbow joint. 4 I have been to his house. 5 Inner room. Household. 6 Discouraged. Lost his life. 7 Take a bath. Sponge bath. 8 Where does that village stand? 9 The boat has entered the river. 10 City wall: gate of the city. 11 Send him into the city. 12 Towns-folk. City people. 13 City-people. Towns-man. 14 The country. Strange country. 15 Fish pond; lotus pond. 16 Bath house. Full of hollows. 17 A tank. A little village. 18 All around this village there are pools and caves. 19 Of the villagers there are many who dare bathe in the pools. 20 Outside the city gate is the river. Outside the village. 21 How far is it from this city to your village ? 22 Having arrived at the pools look to your steps. 23 How many villages are there by this river?