Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/258

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


常 chîang; customary. 羣 khûn; flock. 椰 īa; gê; cocoa. 戰 cìen; battle. 將 cìang; leader. 后 hŏ; a sovereign.

兵 piaⁿ; soldier; troops. 卒 cut; retainess. 武 bú; military. 擊 * kâk; beat, as with stones. 丟 * hám; phiaⁿ; kâk; to throw away. 丁 teng; adult.

1 lʉ́ sĭeⁿ eng kai kám sīa i a míen? tàⁿ m̄ pat tɵ́ khʉ̀. 2 phêng chîang. úang chîang. 3 chîang chîang. bé íⁿ. 4 piaⁿ bé. ûang bé. 5 châ bé. cêk khûn îeⁿ. 6 bú cìang. cìen kah. 7 cìen kŭ. cìen cìang. 8 cìen tī. cìen cûn. 9 sio hùe. m̄ hùe. 10 kà hùe. sie hùe. 11 hùe seⁿ. ûang hùe. 12 hùe cîⁿ. hùe sin. 13 cōi sīa. sīa thiap. 14 sīa cíu. sīa kheh. 15 sīa sì. kit ẁn. 16 mài ẁn thiⁿ, ẁn tī, ẁn pât nâng; tîeh ẁn ka kī. 17 hwt nɵ̄. kói ũaⁿ. kói cìaⁿ. 18 kói kùe. kói jît. 19 kói mêng pêh. kói sueh. 20 kòi hŭam. 21 īa cí. gê cí khak. 22 piaⁿ cìang. láu cìang. 23 ûang hŏ. thài hŏ. 24 bé piaⁿ. pō piaⁿ. 25 sío cut. nâng teng.

1 What do you think as to its being necessary to thank him? Not know what to say. 2 Commonplace. Heretofore. 3 Habitual. Carpenter's bench. 4 Dragoons. Imperial horse. 5 Saw-horse. Flock of sheep. 6 A general. Armour. 7 Weapons. Warriors. 8 Battle-ground. Ship of war. 9 Digestion. Indigestible. 10 Improve by teaching. Burn charms. 11 Metamorphoses. Civilization. 12 Burn mock money. Transform. 13 Many thanks. Card of thanks. 14 After dinner call. Decline a visit. 15 Die. Harbour animosity. 16 Be not dissatisfied with heaven, earth, and men, but with yourself. 17 Get angry. Exchange. Revise. 18 Amend. Change the day. 19 Explain clearly. Make clear. 20 Deliver up the prisoner. 21 Cocoa-nut. Cocoa-nut shells. 22 Military leader. A general. 23 Empress. Empress dowager. 24 Cavalry. Infantry. 25 Camp-followers. People.