Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/260

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


瓢 * hia; a calabash. 柄 pèⁿ; handle; haft. 令 lĕng; order; occasion. 封 hong; invest with. 封 huang; seal up. 契 khòi; covenant.

印 ìn; stamp; seal. 驗 ngīam; verify. 塞 sat; stop up; abstruct. 屍 si; carcase. 葬 cǹg; bury; entomb. 鉋 * thiu; a plane; to plane.

1 piaⁿ teng. hɵ̄ lĕng. 2 lĕng nâng seⁿ khì. 3 lĕng nâng ài sieh. 4 sî lĕng. khŵn pèⁿ. 5 bɵ̂ ūe pèⁿ. châ hia. 6 hŏ sùaⁿ pèⁿ, sìⁿ pèⁿ, tɵ pèⁿ, pó thâu pèⁿ. 7 cêk huang sìn; cêk huang n̂gn; huang mn̂g. 8 huang ìn. huang tâng. 9 huang cûn. hong sîn. 10 hong kuaⁿ. sí si. 11 hong pĕ bɵ́. 12 pêh khòi; âng khòi; khòi kíaⁿ; khòi pĕ; khòi cɵ̀ hiaⁿ tĭ. 13 chù khòi. ieh khòi. 14 sat phīⁿ. sat chùi. 15 cúi cɵ̂ sat khʉ̀, cúi bŏi kîaⁿ. 16 sin si; si sin. si chin. 17 ngīam toaⁿ. ngĩam si. 18 ngīam thóiⁿ. èng ngīam. 19 ngīam sieⁿ; ngīam kùe lío. 20 chíaⁿ ngīam. hâp cǹg. 21 cǹg suaⁿ; cǹg huang cúi. 32 sàng cǹg. cǹg kim. 23 cǹg kuaⁿ. thiu pêⁿ pêⁿ.

1 Soldiers. A written order. 2 Make one vexed. 3 Cause people to love. 4 Times and seasons. Power. 5 Nothing plausible. A dipper. 6 Handle of an umbrella, fan, knife, and axe. 7 A letter; a money packet; a sealed door. 8 Close the seals. An envelope. 9 Impress a boat. Deify. 10 Appoint to office. A corpse. 11 Invest parents with a title. 12 Unstamped deed; stamped deed; devoted child; a god-father; covenant brothers. 13 Deed of a house. Contract. 14 Cold in the head. Silenced. 15 The trough is obstructed so the water does not flow. 16 A dead body. The mourners. 17 A permit. Hold an inquest. 18 Examine into. Verified. 19 Inspect the injuries. Proven. 20 Invite examination. Bury together. 21 The burial ground. 22 Carry to the grave. Inurn. 23 Encoffin. Plane it even.