Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/262

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.


蓋 kài; overtop; screen. 蓋 kùa; a cover. 蓋 khap; set; imprint. 蓋 khàm; cover with a cover. 蓋 kah; wrap up. 蓋 kám; a cover; cover up.

傢 ke; tools; gear. 伙 húe; furniture. 夥 húe; comrade. 計 kì; comrade. 計 kòi; scheme; compute. 繡 sìu; embroider.

1 thiu cîh. cêk ki thiu. 2 thiu kût kût. cia kài. 3 kài in. kài thâu, kài mĩn. 4 kài au. kài mi mi. 5 kài sì. khap cɵ̀ hɵ̄. 6 khîeh kài au kùa khàm kài au. khap ìn. 7 kah phŭe, kah hîuⁿ, kah saⁿ. 8 kài úaⁿ kùa pit khʉ̀. 9 khàm pò phâng, kham kàu àm àm. 10 mûeh kĭaⁿ khàm kín kín, mài ngio chʉ́ thau cîah. 11 tê kẁn kùa. sieⁿ kùa. 12 khàm au kùa. hâh húe. 13 kah tó, kah koiⁿ thâu. 14 kah khah mi khah jûah. 15 kùa khah sòi, khàm m̄ lɵ̂h. 16 khàm koiⁿ cháu chù, tɵ̆ suaⁿ kha kɵ̀ tīu. 17 cí kɵ̀ ŭ khàm phâng, ío lîang. khap lâi m̄ hīn. 18 lʉ́ tîeh khap sì cìaⁿ sì cìaⁿ, khap khí lâi cìaⁿ hɵ́ thóiⁿ. měng lĕng. 19 tíaⁿ kám. kám mi mi. 20 ke húe. húe kì. sìu hue.

1 Blade of a plane. A plane. 2 Plane it smooth. To screen. 3 Because that. Screen head and face. 4 Covered tea-cup. Cover up closely. 5 World-wide. Set a mark. 6 Take the cover and cover the covered cup. To print. 7 Wrap up in a coverlet, wadded jacket, and tunic. 8 The cover of the bowl is broken. 9 Cover with an awning so it will be very shady. 10 Cover the things closely so they will not be eaten by rats. 11 Tea-pot lid. Trunk lid. 12 Covered basin cover. A pall. 13 Wrap the belly and shoulders. 14 Bundled up too warm. 15 The cover is too small to fit. 16 Has set up a straw shed, and lives at the foot of the hill. 17 The awning here makes it cooler. Not printed clearly. 18 You must set it squarely down and then the imprint will look well. Mandate. 19 Spider cover. Cover tightly. 20 Tools. Partner. Embroider.