Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/412

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

蝴蝶 * bói îah; butterfly.

痢疾 lĭ cît; dysentery.

瀉肚 * làu sái; diarrhea.

疳積 kam cek; worms.

黃疸 * n̂g sua; jaundice.

癱瘓 * kẁn pien; paralysis.

軟脚 * ńng nî; palsy.

欄杆 lân kan; balusters.

姤忌 kò kĭ; envy.

條繩* gê lan; picture cord.

廢疾 * phùa sìeⁿ; maimed.

茂盛 mŏng sĕng; luxuriant.

1 sĭ eng kai, m̄ sĭ thau ôiⁿ. ńng nî pēⁿ. 1 It is proper, and not stolen leisure. The palsy.
2 kuaⁿ cìaⁿ, mîn bɵ̂ sʉ̄. 2 Officials being upright, the people rest.
3 bói îah thâu kâi ôi. 3 An ornamented shoe.
4 tìeⁿ, bŏi sí, lĭ cît; gɵ̄, bŏi sí, sieⁿ huang. 4 If you can eat, having dysentery you won’t die; if you fast, having rheumatism, you won’t die.
5 tîeh cai kẃn kù. 5 Must be well attended to.
6 n̂g sua pēⁿ sĭ tɵ in sip jîet tì kâi. 6 Jaundice generally arises from being in damp hot places.
7 i kâi sim lăi kò kĭ. 7 He is at heart envious.
8 lʉ́ mài tam tāⁿ úa. 8 Do not disappoint me.
9 ēng kòi mông lîah i. 9 Caught him by a stratagem.
10 kh̵ut i ceh pĭ bɵ̂ ūe hɵ́ ìn tap. 10 When reprimanded by him had nothing to answer.
11 khʉt i lêng jôk, cêk kù ūe m̄ káⁿ ìn. 11 When insulted by him dare not answer by a single word.
12 pí pât nâng ío láu sît. 12 More harmless than others.
13 lân kan àiⁿ cɵ̀ cîeh kâi, a sĭ àiⁿ cɵ̀ châ kâi? 13 Do you want the balusters made of stone or of wood?
14 siu lâi iap iap thiap thiap. 14 Very neatly arranged.
15 cí kɵ̀ kâi hue bâk mŏng sĕng căi. thông seng. 15 The shrubbery here is very luxuriant. Pupil.
16 bói tîo gê lan sɵh lâi pâk. 16 Buy some cord and fasten it.
17 thong sin kún lân kan pĭⁿ. 17 The whole suit trimmed with gimp.
18 lʉ́ īu m̄ sĭ kẁn pien, īu m̄ sĭ ńng nî, cɵ̀ nî ciu jît gût; m̄ pat thóiⁿ kìⁿ lʉ́ khí lâi kîaⁿ. 18 You are not paralyzed nor palsied, why do you lie all day; I never saw you get up and walk.