Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/414

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.

謠媚 thíam mĭ; cajole.

興旺 heng ŭang; prosper.

姦淫 kang îm; adultery.

淫慾 îm îok; passions.

憐憫 lîen míen; merciful.

倉皇 chang hûang; flurried.

譏誚 ki chío; ridicule.

譏笑 * phì sìe; deride.

砰硼 pīn pōng; boisterous.

懇求 * kɵh lɵ̂; expostulate.

寂寞 sok môk; desolate.

鬱結 * ut cût: melancholy.

1 i cìeⁿ seⁿ cɵ̀ sĭ thíam mĭ i. 1 He does that to cajole bim.
2 thíam mĭ kâi nâng sĭ cōi. 2 Flatterers are many.
3 cí kúi nî heng ŭang căi. 3 These few years it has prospered.
4 kang îm kâi sʉ̄ m̄ hɵ́ cɵ̀. 4 You must not commit adultery.
5 îm îok tîeh cai kìm cí. 5 The passions must be controled.
6 cí kâi nâng hɵ́; úa sĭm sĭ lîen míen i. 6 This man is good; I am very compassionate toward him.
7 lʉ́ mài chang hûang; úa kio lʉ́ sie hŭ. 7 Do not be agitated; I will help you.
8 lʉ́ m̄ hɵ́ chut chùi cĭu ki chío nâng. 8 Do not open your mouth to ridicule people.
9 ka kī m̄ cai jîeh hɵ́, kìⁿ mīn cĭu àiⁿ phì sìe nâng. 9 Without knowing how good they are, whenever he sees people he derides them.
10 lâu téng cɵ̀ nî pīn pōng kìe sĭ sih mih sʉ̄? 10 What is that racket going on up stairs?
11 lʉ́ tîeh kɵh lɵ̂ kàu i hàuⁿ. 11 You must urge till he is willing.
12 cí kúi jît bɵ̂ nâng lāi cɵ̆ phûeh sĭ sok môk căi. 12 These few days no one has come to chat and it is lonesome.
13 lʉ́ ka kī kkĭa khí ŏi sok môk mē? chang hûang. 13 Are you lonely, living all by yourself? Fearful.
14 sim lăi sĭe tîeh sok sok môk môk sĭm sĭ m̄ hɵ́. 14 Thinking that extreme solitude was very bad.
15 lʉ́ sim lăi ut cût sih mih sʉ̄? 15 What are you melancholy about?
16 i kâi sim heng ôih sòi, cêk kĭaⁿ sʉ̄ cū ut ut cût cût. 16 He is small minded, and is made sullen by any sort of thing.
17 kîaⁿ lō mài pīn pōng kìe. 17 In walking do not make a racket.
18 thóiⁿ kìⁿ nâng kan khó, cĭu lîen míen i. 18 Seeing any person in trouble he has compassion on him.