Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/42

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
床 chn̂g;
a table.
桌 tɵh;
a table.
櫃 kūiⁿ;
chest of drawers.
心 sim;
大 tăi, tōa;
細 sòi;
ìuⁿ; fine; small.
間 koiⁿ;
classifier of rooms.
座 cɵ̄;
classifier of houses.
眠 mîn;
輔 hŭ;
予 * pun;
數 * kúi;
1 mîn chn̂g: mîn íⁿ. 1 Bedstead: sofa.
2 tɵh kūiⁿ; chn̂g kūiⁿ. 2 Sideboard: side table.
3 cí ciah tɵh khah sòi. 3 This table is too small.
4 i kâi gūa mīn sĭ hɵ́, sim lăi sĭ m̄ hɵ́. 4 His appearance is good, but he has a bad heart.
5 tɵ̆ bói chn̂g íⁿ mûeh kĭaⁿ. 5 Buying furniture.
6 hʉ́ cêk cɵ̄ chʉ̀ ŭ ngŏ koiⁿ pâng. 6 That house has five rooms.
7 hʉ́ kâi tɵh kūiⁿ ŭ sì ciah kha. 7 That side table has four legs.
8 i sĭ hɵ́ sim kâi nâng. 8 He is a good hearted man.
9 lʉ́ sòi sim khʉ̀ cɵ̀. 9 Go and do it carefully.
10 cí kâi tōa kùe hʉ́ kâi. 10 This is larger than that.
11 i ŏi tōa a bŏi? 11 Will it grow larger ?
12 cí cɵ̄ chù tōa sòi ŭ kúi koiⁿ pâng. 12 This house has several rooms, large and small.
13 i bŏi tōa. 13 It will not grow larger.
14 lʉ́ kâi sim tăi hɵ́, úa hŭ lʉ́. 14 Your intentions are very good: I will help you.
15 cí kâi tăi jîn cɵ̀ sʉ̄ sĭm sòi sim. 15 This great man transacts business very carefully.
16 lʉ́ hɵ́ pàng sim. 16 Be of easy mind.
17 cí kúi kĭaⁿ mûeh, khîeh khʉ̀ pun i. 17 Take these several things and give them to him.
18 tōa sòi ŭ saⁿ câp. 18 There were thirty, great and small.
19 cí kâi khah sòi; ŭ pât kâi a bɵ̂? ìuⁿ ìuⁿ. 19 This is too small; are there any other ones? Very minute.
20 nín kúi nâng khʉ̀ hŭ i cɵ̀. 20 You all go and help him do it.