Page:First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.djvu/50

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First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect.
爹 tia;
爸 pa;
父 pĕ;
母 bɵ́, âi, ne;
兄 hiaⁿ;
elder brother.
弟 tĭ;
younger brother.
娣 cí, cé;
elder sister.
妹 mūe;
younger sister.
客 kheh;
位 ūi;
seat, place, person.
性 sèⁿ;
temper, disposition.
詢 sûn;
inquire after.
1 úa kâi a tia bɵ̂ tɵ̆. 1 My father is not in.
2 i bɵ̂ pĕ, bɵ̂ bɵ́. 2 He has neither father nor mother.
3 i àiⁿ cɵ̀ hiaⁿ tĭ. 3 They are going to be brethren.
4 i bɵ̂ kíaⁿ tĭ. 4 She has no male children.
5 i a nôⁿ kíaⁿ cōi. 5 She has many children.
6 a nôⁿ, lâi cí kɵ̀. 6 My child, come here.
7 ŭ nâng kheh lâi. 7 Visitors have come.
8 i sĭ gūa chù nâng. 8 He is a foreigner.
9 àiⁿ khʉ̀ cɵ̀ nâng kheh. 9 I am going out visiting.
10 pàng tɵ̆ nâng kheh pâng. 10 Put it in the guest room.
11 i àiⁿ cɵ̆ tōa ūi. 11 He will sit in the chief seat.
12 hʉ́ cêk ūi lău nâng sĭ lʉ́ kâi a pĕ a m̄ sĭ? 12 That old man is your father, is he not?
13 i m̄ cêng ŭ kíaⁿ. 13 She has had no children.
14 i būe cêng ŭ. 14 She has not yet had.
15 i cí mūe sì nâng. 15 The four sisters.
16 i hiaⁿ tĭ nɵ̆ nâng. 16 The two brothers.
17 lʉ́ hiaⁿ tĭ jîeh cōi nâng? ún hiaⁿ tĭ lâk nâng. 17 How many brothers are there of you? Six.
18 lʉ́ ŭ kúi kâi hiaⁿ tĭ? 18 How many brothers have you?
19 úa sĭ a hiaⁿ, ŭ saⁿ kâi a tĭ. 19 I am the eldest, and have three brothers.
20 úa tōa i saⁿ hùe. ŏi tōa cí kâi a bŏi? 20 I am three years older than he. Is it bigger than this?
21 úa kâi âi àiⁿ lâi sûn nín. 21 My mother is coming to inquire after you.
22 lʉ́ kâi húe sèⁿ tōa căi. 22 Your irascibility is extreme.
23 i kâi sim sèⁿ sĭm hɵ́. 23 His temper is excellent.